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Turn Sylgja or almost any NPC into a follower


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What I did was Turned Sylgja into a follower. She was level 6 when I met her and I am done with the game at level 53 and just playing around, I did this after she became my wife, so to start out

~ and Click on her

addfac 0005C84D 4 <----sets her as a follower


setlevel <whatever level you want up to 50>

getav onehanded

setav onehanded <the amount you want to add to her existing one handed>

getav marksman

setav marksman <the amount you want to add to her existing marksman>

getav health

setav health <the amount of health you want her/him to have>

help <Sylgja or whatever NPC you are using> 0

<find the base id and>

setessential <base ID> 1


removeitem <miners clothes base id> 1


click on her and have her follow you wherever and you can give her whatever clothes or armor you want, and if you took her miners clothes out of her inventory she can't revert back to them.. :biggrin: just make sure to leave her shoes

There are more setav skills here, so if you want to buff up two handed or any other skill.

If you use Sylgja, you should do her quest before making her a follower.

This should work for many other NPCs but I have only tried so far with Sylgja.


Add any other perks or NPCs this works with, if you know them post them..Thx

Edited by flyingblind
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  • 3 weeks later...

i have command muiri to be my follower. but she will running away when we are at combat. what should i do to make her attack enemy? sorry for my english.

I think it is

~ setAV Confidence 4

Willingness to fight. enum: <1> cowardly, <2> cautious, <3> average, <4> brave, <5> foolhardy.

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I put in Help Katria the one that you find that died from falling,and she helps you as a ghost, to find the Aetherium forge, it brings up her ghost code, that won't talk and it brings up her living npc,the one that will talk to you. I player.placeatme(her code) got her then, added her with the codes,as a follower, i even gave her a upgraded version of her bow,i still have the bow too, i just added a copy for her,but its cool to have her as a follower since she helped you out, seemed kinda cruel her left there to rot, you don't she her,or even ebony warrior, when you go to sovngarde anyway.I even typed hrothmond you can look up npcs like that,and end up with some cool followers,but you could just think of them as a legendary pack, helping the dragonborn.

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