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Companion Junk Comments - Make It Stop!


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Star-mystyk did a great job with their mod "No Companion Junk Comments".

http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/10365/? <-- Seen here.


But.... they left in all the "nice" comments that companions make about the items you pick up. And if you read the description and posts pages, you can see that the mod author seems to have zero plans to change this. For example, they said:

"Those ones are in a different list which I left unedited on purpose, as IMO, it's not as annoying." [<-referencing the "nice" comments] and "Sure, I could do several more versions (for shipment comments, workbench comments, an all-in-one junk/shipment/workbench) but I don't particularly want to as neither of those annoy me enough to have them in my game."


But with as much as I pick up, and I'm sure for others as well, it gets highly irritating when companions constantly want to make comments about it, whether they're nice or rude.


Can someone please remedy this?


Please comment if you think this is a good idea! Let's keep this on the front page of mod requests!

Also please comment if you are willing to work on this. :laugh:

Edited by amber1019
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Setting aside the fact that bumping is technically against the forum rules I would just like to point out that there are dozens of mod requests made every single day, a limited number of mod authors, an even more limited number of mod authors with the skillset to implement any given request, and then you have to factor in whether that limited number of a limited number is even *interested* in fulfilling a given request. Mod authors don't get paid for this, we generally do it because we love it and/or often because we too wanted some shiny mod request to be met that no one ever made so we sucked it up and started teaching ourselves how to make it. Most mod authors don't even look at this section because their plate is already full with their own personal mod wishes. I've got three published mods that need updating, a large group mod that I'm behind on, a partial mod project that I've inherited from another author, and several more mods I very much want to make after I finish all the rest. In the case of your particular mod request, there's already a mod that does the majority of what you want. If it still isn't enough, download the Creation Kit, look at that mod and learn how to filter the additional formlist yourself. This is actually a perfect mod for you to learn on as it's a pretty simple one and you've already got an example to follow.

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