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Skyrim ini problems


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There's a technical support forum for that: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/forum/414-skyrim-technical-support/


Anyway, the uGridsToLoad line isn't in the skyrim.ini by default. You should just write it down, under [general].

Here's a tutorial on how to edit the .ini file and which settings you should (want to) change: http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1387

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It isnt present in the skyrim.ini because you have the bare bones version of skyrim.ini. Skyrim.ini still needs to be "filled" by the game. To do this follow these steps after loading a saved game


1. Press ` on your keyboard to open up the console

2. Type saveini and hit enter

3. Type refreshini and hit enter

4. Close the console


Now if you go to your skyrim.ini it should contain much more text. If you still dont see more text, follow the steps again but after step 1 (opening the console), type


setini "ugridstoload:general" 5


in the console and hit enter, then follow step 2 onward. This makes sure you ugrids is at the default value of 5, which it probably is anyways. This might stimulate the filling of the skyrim.ini. After this just follow the advice of Iv000

Edited by MadWizard25
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