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How do I activate a plugin without using NMM?


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I hardly dare to ask. But after an hour of google finding no reference at all I must be overlooking something badly.


I'm porting my own mods to SSE, so I don't want to use NMM just to test that. But how do I activate my esp? Freshly created with the SSE XCK, of course.


In the old Skyrim there was the "Data Files" option in the Launcher. But with SSE there is nothing.

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Oh. :rolleyes:


I had seen that, but I could not believe I have to login to Bethesda.net every time I only activate or move a plugin. What an overkill.



no you don't have to login you can skip that part just click mod/load order, the login is only needed when you wana dl mods from beth

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My question was not about managing my mods. I will use NMM again for that. I was gonna port FNIS Spells. And when you create or port a new mod. you don't have anything to manage yet. And I was too stubborn to believe that manually activating a plugin was hidden behind a Bethesda.net login. :)

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