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Are Female Armors Denigrating?



102 members have voted

  1. 1. Female armors are denigrating.

    • Yes they are offensive. (Male perspective)
    • No they are just a style choice.(Male perspective)
    • It's just another immersion choice. (Male perspective)
    • Yes they are offensive. (Female perspective.)
    • No they are just another style choice. (Female perspective.)
    • It's just another immersion choice. (Female perspective.)

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at least they put woman in the game. if they really wanted to objectify them, they wouldnt have put them in at all, considering woman warriors were unheard of in medieval times. :P


Well then would you like to explain away Boedica of the Iceni, Amulasuntha of the Goth's , Brunhilde of the Visigoths ,Margret of Anjou, Anna Nzinga or Joan of Arc? I only picked actual field warriors if I extended the list the women who just headed campaigns it would be longer.

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I admittedly get sick and tired of it when it seems that 90 percent of female armor and clothing being modded is skimpy and wouldn't protect your character from a spitball. I just have a certain level of suspension of disbelief, so it doesn't work for me. My character is an adventurer, and I prefer for her to look the part (what it means to me, at least). Sometimes I think some players have issues with playing a strong and powerful female. I like armor to be attractive and practical, and it doesn't need to be a BBBized ebony bikini to do both.


Edited to remove offensive statements.

Edited by nyxalinth
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I admittedly get sick and tired of it when it seems that 90 percent of female armor and clothing being modded is skanky ho armor. My character is an adventurer, not a prostitute. Sometimes I think some players have issues with playing a strong and powerful female, so they bimboize her back to safe, less threatening levels. I like armor to be attractive and practical, and it doesn't need to be a BBBized ebony bikini to do both.


"strong female" is something (male) entertainment creators have had a difficulty creating/representing for ages.


most of them come off forced to me. strong police women are always just butch chicks, chicks with manly attributes. in other words, they arent really "strong women" as much as they are "manly women"


i think many have pointed it out before, true "sexyness" can be achieved without skimpyness, whorishness or sluttyness. you can have a woman be both _strong_ AND _feminine_ at the same time, forfeiting femininity does not make a character weak, and preserving femininity is not the same as making her slutty.


i think a huge problem with this, in entertainment, is that developers have little-to-no clue how a strong woman would function, cus theyve never had much of a point of reference for it. and it shows.

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I admittedly get sick and tired of it when it seems that 90 percent of female armor and clothing being modded is skanky ho armor. My character is an adventurer, not a prostitute. Sometimes I think some players have issues with playing a strong and powerful female, so they bimboize her back to safe, less threatening levels. I like armor to be attractive and practical, and it doesn't need to be a BBBized ebony bikini to do both.


To be honest, I may agree with this point (I hate BBB bikinies with a passion) but I find sexism also meaning stereotyping a person in terms of their character. For example, Conan the Barbarian is sexist against men as it objectifies them into this male, mucho figure. Like-wise half of Skyrim's armour for both male and women. Honestly, you would have expected that after hundreds of years that Skyrim would resemble more like the Empire rather than Nordic culture. So the problem is at both sides and isn't going away any time soon. What I would like is if they could develop NPC's more than just sex-filled, submissive doormats or macho, action-crazed heros. It's the reason why two of my favourite NPC are female (with deep character development) and are fan-servicey (not to the point of BBB bikinies).

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I pick the ones I like and simply "whoa, look at that!" at the others and move on. As a guy I'm happy with the choices I have even if I only play male characters. My female companion/s look damn hot! :wub: Since I mostly play 1st person, my character can look like crap, but I know that I have a good looking companion to stare at.
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I admittedly get sick and tired of it when it seems that 90 percent of female armor and clothing being modded is skanky ho armor. My character is an adventurer, not a prostitute. Sometimes I think some players have issues with playing a strong and powerful female, so they bimboize her back to safe, less threatening levels. I like armor to be attractive and practical, and it doesn't need to be a BBBized ebony bikini to do both.


I'm with you there, except for the sex worker hate and purity-pushing. Please save that for "radical" feminists like Sheila Jeffreys and Janice Raymond. Now, I find a slew of nothing but sexualised outfits to be offensive--it is, after all, as far as I am concerned, about having the option. I have used sexy stuff and will continue to do so, for characters of any gender, but I support 1) equal opportunity ridiculousness and 2) options other than thongs and pasties for giant bouncing boobs. Yeah, you can turn your game into Duke Nukem with spells for all I care, but I'm not going to buy into toxic masculinity and do the same thing. I'm as capable of thinking as anyone else and I just find certain things distasteful and/or objectifying, like the manga body mods. That's my take on them and I usually will ignore stuff I don't like--or I'll try to edit things so I can have equal opportunity silliness at the very least.

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I admittedly get sick and tired of it when it seems that 90 percent of female armor and clothing being modded is skanky ho armor. My character is an adventurer, not a prostitute. Sometimes I think some players have issues with playing a strong and powerful female, so they bimboize her back to safe, less threatening levels. I like armor to be attractive and practical, and it doesn't need to be a BBBized ebony bikini to do both.


I'm with you there, except for the sex worker hate and purity-pushing. Please save that for "radical" feminists like Sheila Jeffreys and Janice Raymond. Now, I find a slew of nothing but sexualised outfits to be offensive--it is, after all, as far as I am concerned, about having the option. I have used sexy stuff and will continue to do so, for characters of any gender, but I support 1) equal opportunity ridiculousness and 2) options other than thongs and pasties for giant bouncing boobs. Yeah, you can turn your game into Duke Nukem with spells for all I care, but I'm not going to buy into toxic masculinity and do the same thing. I'm as capable of thinking as anyone else and I just find certain things distasteful and/or objectifying, like the manga body mods. That's my take on them and I usually will ignore stuff I don't like--or I'll try to edit things so I can have equal opportunity silliness at the very least.



Sorry that my words offended you. I should have used more care in choosing them. I'm going to my post and removing the offending statement, because I feel pretty crappy of it now :(

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OK, thanks for that :)


I still agree that it's problematic that the overwhelming majority of female-specific mods are "sexy"/skimpy, I don't tend to be interested in replacing everything with BBBized pasties and things because it is of zero interest to me. The funny thing also is that a certain proportion of the people who are obsessed with the boobie mods who tend to hate on similar mods designed for male characters.

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OK, thanks for that :)


I still agree that it's problematic that the overwhelming majority of female-specific mods are "sexy"/skimpy, I don't tend to be interested in replacing everything with BBBized pasties and things because it is of zero interest to me. The funny thing also is that a certain proportion of the people who are obsessed with the boobie mods who tend to hate on similar mods designed for male characters.


That is something that I've noticed and that is something that I personally find quite hilarious.


I have no beef with sexy/skimpy modded outfits (I personally draw the line at bouncing boobs and g-string crotch armours) but what is good for the goose should be good for the gander. :happy:

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