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Are Female Armors Denigrating?



102 members have voted

  1. 1. Female armors are denigrating.

    • Yes they are offensive. (Male perspective)
    • No they are just a style choice.(Male perspective)
    • It's just another immersion choice. (Male perspective)
    • Yes they are offensive. (Female perspective.)
    • No they are just another style choice. (Female perspective.)
    • It's just another immersion choice. (Female perspective.)

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There are far too many "sexy" female outfit mods for me to even begin to be bothered about them, I say we just let the manchildren have their fun. 8)


Some mods, not necessarily composed of mere outfits, are however clearly works of some very twisted minds, but I shan't be going into further details about those. :psyduck:

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There are far too many "sexy" female outfit mods for me to even begin to be bothered about them, I say we just let the manchildren have their fun. 8)


Some mods, not necessarily composed of mere outfits, are however clearly works of some very twisted minds, but I shan't be going into further details about those. :psyduck:


Hey, it's the internet - it's full of lonely people. :hurr:

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I like my body - real life - and I dress well and so when it comes to gaming I like to do the same however having said that, I'd like to answer this topic in two parts ... One - Bodies, and Two - Armors ... for me they go hand in hand.




When it comes to Fallout 3, I have dabbled with ALL of the body mods and have thrown together a potpurri of meshes and textures until I have created my near to perfect character.

I have spent untold hours working with the meshes and textures and can do virtually anything with them.

What one has lacked the one has had ... I think between Black Blossom and Dimon99 they have cornered the market for me when it comes to bodies.

I have also used the Shojo Race mod, but sparingly, nevertheless, some of my best characters have sprung from that mod except course for the face and hair with which you can't really do that much.

This in no way takes away from the other modders who have created body mods whatsoever, different strokes for different folks, some like them slim and others bigger, whatever floats your boat.

As long as I've got my hair and makeup right then I'm 75% there.


Two - ARMOURS (yes you can spell it like that as well).


Now, no matter how stunning my character looks I cannot and will not get very far if they are in the buff (nothing on) and that's an "armour for some" by the way.

I find that more of a sexual thing to have a character running around in the nude and short sighted when it comes to survival.

As long as I don't have to see what your character looks like then I don't really care if you're naked or not or what you're wearing or not.


For me it becomes denigrating when it's PUBLIC ... what you wear behind closed doors both real and unreal (PC game) is your business ... the female body is not an object of slavering lust and salacious gibbering ... like I said, unless it's behind closed doors with someone you trust ... then gibber all you want.

I'm not going to become a prude about this ... if someone makes the mod then wear it but you don't have to flaunt it for everyone to see.


My interpretation of "naked" is simply someone without clothing on ... my interpretation of "nekkid" is someone with "obvious" reference to breasts or genitalia.

The image that MarrxistBastard posted is in my interpretation "nekkid" or showing obvious reference to genitalia ... and like I said, when it's public or out in the open then I find it denigrating and so yes, I'm glad that Nexus does not allow those types of images to just lay around for all to see.

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Lets see, there are orcs and elves with lizards and cats in human form; its possible to toss fire balls and thunder bolts from your hands and no matter how hurt one may be it only takes an hour to heal and one can raise the dead…. but there is an issue concerning armour because some is unrealistic and not appropriately functional.


Am I wrong or is Oblivion not a “fantasy” game that is rated “M” and advertised as, “where you could be whoever you wanted and do whatever you wanted.".


Anyway, if someone is playing an anime styled amazon with triple H chest wearing nothing but a loin cloth or a naked male swinging a oversized “club” to indulge in some escapism, having fun and feeling good about them self while playing a single person game in the privacy of their own home – then why in the world would I (or anyone else) be concerned other than to wish them all the best?

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Though I started this thread to hear what the ladies had to say I will add my own two cents. First off I could care less what someone does in the privacy of their own home. For all I care they can dress up in a beanie hat with a propeller on top while wearing a bustier, fishnet stockings and clogs if that is what gets them going.


If anyone remembers back to Morrowind where CanadianIce and Eshme made some extremely nice ensembles for players and NPC's and to a lessor extant in Oblivion until their body style went out of vogue. Bethsada makes the most unappealing vanilla clothes of any RPG game that I can think of and it has always fallen to the modding community to make up the difference.


What I am hoping is that the women modders will take a more active hand in constructing clothes and armours for those of us that don't rely on a video game for our sexual jollies. I like seeing well dressed and attractive women in my games but when the majority of available choices are more suited for the stripper pole than the wilds of Skyrim..that I find frustrating.

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OK, thanks for that :)


I still agree that it's problematic that the overwhelming majority of female-specific mods are "sexy"/skimpy, I don't tend to be interested in replacing everything with BBBized pasties and things because it is of zero interest to me. The funny thing also is that a certain proportion of the people who are obsessed with the boobie mods who tend to hate on similar mods designed for male characters.


Oh gods, this times over 9000!


AlienSlof stopped modding on several occasions for taking crap over her stuff for males, and the hypocrisy involved in said crap. It really pissed me off, too. She's a talented modder and it's terrible how she was treated over it.

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Yeah, I remember, nyxalinth. Thing is, if it's good for one, it's good for the other.


Now, I know, some people will want to call me out on having made "sexy" mods myself. The truth is this: I don't feel comfortable with sexy/skimpy things being the only option for a specific type of character and being restricted to that type. I don't like double standards or only being able to find stuff that shows huge bouncing boobs, for a body mesh I don't even use. However, I'm not someone who hates all sexy mods and wants them banned, I'd just prefer to see there being no double standards and more variety in armour/clothing mods.

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Talking about modders and mods for either body or armour, there is not really a "good" mod or a "bad" mod - unless the mod in question simply doesn't work because of it's mechanics, or it involves children and it turns them into sexual objects.


If the mod is a sexual orientation mod or can be used as a same sex mod whether it be male or female then it's your choice.

If you're a guy and want to wear leather n' chains or pretty pink handcuffs (please don't write me a "you're being oh so stereotypical response, I'll read the first line and move on), then wear that.


Or even if you create a Gimp Bondage Club mod ... well then have at it ...

In all likelyhood I'd most probably install the mod, don my latex, pour candlewax on you and whip you myself ... if the mod allowed for it.

Personally I wouldn't mind a bit of Steam Punk crossed with naughty leather 'n lace.


Rather the worst and most filthy kind of body or armour mod is the one that has been ripped off from another modder ... that for me is the absolute lowest of the low, and the most rotten of all.

Rotten tomatoes, wet cabbage and smelly fish should be thrown at you and in abundance ... it's people like this and guys like Gmod that need to be axed or ostracized.

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To each his or her own. Games are there to be enjoyed and if someone enjoys extremely skimpy clothes, nudity or wall-of-steel style, why not do it. If you dislike it, ignore it, simple as that. Can't see how it would be offensive, unless you work in FOX news (Mass Effect is porn and sexist! report anyone?).


Well, to be trutfull, I find the fact everything has some sort of Z-size boobs a little bit annoying, but... still can't see how it would be offensive.


But immersion choice? Hardly. 95% of the skimpy outfits are extremely illogical and make no sense at all as an armor. So it's just a style.

Edited by elvinkun
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Actually, Mass Effect does have "lesbian" scenes that are made just for fanboys and a homophobic double standard, where there's no bisexual male companion but there is a bisexual female one. It is sexist for that reason.
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