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Are Female Armors Denigrating?



102 members have voted

  1. 1. Female armors are denigrating.

    • Yes they are offensive. (Male perspective)
    • No they are just a style choice.(Male perspective)
    • It's just another immersion choice. (Male perspective)
    • Yes they are offensive. (Female perspective.)
    • No they are just another style choice. (Female perspective.)
    • It's just another immersion choice. (Female perspective.)

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I just think Fox News isn't very reliable source at all. And that reporter who presented that legendary "gaming review" is a pearl, really. The "Doesn't favor mental activity" applies quite well.


On the other note, you don't find men complaining about how this and that is sexist and offensive to women a bit off? I do. Especially if it doesn't make a whole lot of sense.


I don't think Fox News is a good source, and your trying to convince me that I should be willing to objectify women is actually disturbing. If guys don't stand up when others promote fanboyism and other variants of toxic masculinity, well, that's not going to help us one bit--I'm sure you wouldn't like to be thought of as a shallow brute who reduces women to boobs, and neither would I, hence my objection to objectification and the promotion of fanboyism.



The difference for me is I don't go around verbally attacking others with the same nasty vehemence. I'm normally keeping it to myself, I might say I'm tired of it or make a snarky comment, but I've never said nasty cruel things to the modders of mods I disagree with to the point where they stop modding. I'm not going to discuss this any further;nthe thread is getting derailed, and I'm not backing down from this statement, unlike my previous one.


Exactly, I don't go hunting down the people who make silly huge boob mods, calling them homophobic things and telling them to get back in the kitchen. I can dislike things without attacking people for liking them. I might make a comment somewhere else about how odd it is that the only options for female characters are ridiculously sexualised or something, but I'm not going to bother them on their mod page because it's their private space.

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I don't think Fox News is a good source, and your trying to convince me that I should be willing to objectify women is actually disturbing. If guys don't stand up when others promote fanboyism and other variants of toxic masculinity, well, that's not going to help us one bit--I'm sure you wouldn't like to be thought of as a shallow brute who reduces women to boobs, and neither would I, hence my objection to objectification and the promotion of fanboyism.



Well, I admit that bringing up that old report might've been a bit of far blind shot, but it's a good example of what may some people consider to be offensive (And let's face it, ME isn't one of the sexies games out there, no matter how you look at it), my original point being that I don't quite understand what may anyone find to be personally offensive on "sexy" armors/clothes. I understand why might one ignore it or dislike it, but offensive?


And I surely would not like to be seen as shallow brute, especially considering that I'm not a man. Not that it changes anything, but I can't see how any mod can objectify or reduce anyone or anything to "symbols". It's a game or even a modification to the game made by users. If someone wants to see huge boobs or penises all over the place, well, that's their thing, I'm just trying to understand how it is offensive to anyone. It's similar case with people being -offended- by kids being killable, slavery or prostitution in games.


That being said, another part of the ME story, while I can't see how a 3 seconds long lesbian scene or a little bit tigher armor can offend anyone, I can see how a random guy talking about what makes it so very offensive to all women can be a bit, as I said before, annoying, especially if he spouts incredible nonsense. Please note that I don't mean you.

From the other side of view, you had this... what's her name, Cooper...? Saying all men are viewing male game characters as their fathers and thus any sexual content in games causes great harm to their minds. It is so, even if you disagree. Understand what I'm talking about now?

Edited by elvinkun
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at least they put woman in the game. if they really wanted to objectify them, they wouldnt have put them in at all, considering woman warriors were unheard of in medieval times. :P


Well then would you like to explain away Boedica of the Iceni, Amulasuntha of the Goth's , Brunhilde of the Visigoths ,Margret of Anjou, Anna Nzinga or Joan of Arc? I only picked actual field warriors if I extended the list the women who just headed campaigns it would be longer.


besides Joan of Arc, the others are unheard of. i can google woman warriors too and come up with a list, or "wikipedia that s***" but that doesnt count hell i cant even pronounce any of those other names. my point rests. woman warriors were unheard of.




You can quote a translation of an ancient Sanskrit text in your member title, and haven't heard of Boudicca? Tall, scary redhead (rather like someone else I could mention :whistling: ) who gave the Romans a run for their money? All the others Aurelius mentioned too. Women warriors were far from unheard of, not the norm, but certainly did crop up.

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Why are we focusing on females solely? There are plenty of mods which degrades men as well. If we are going to talk about this, at least make it more equal and state that is armour in general degrading for both sexes? There are mods which do it to men too, you know. I said it before and I say it again; stupid outfits are not going away, they are always going to remain. The only way you could improve to total eye-candy is to give the characters and surroundings more depth.
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Yes, there are sexy outfit mods for men, but they're rare in comparison and frankly nowhere near as objectifying. If something is really about celebrating the female body, why does it have to be boobs the size of cows with a skinny alien female body as an afterthought? Why does it have to be that a guy who doesn't like those sort of things and has said so somewhere (not on the mod page of course) gets called a white knight, creepy, sexist and lacking in toughness? I don't buy into a mentality where being a fanboy is the ultimate good, so now I'm getting a bit irritated with all these suggestions that I am like the Faux News extremists, who actually want feminists not to exist.
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Yes, there are sexy outfit mods for men, but they're rare in comparison and frankly nowhere near as objectifying. If something is really about celebrating the female body, why does it have to be boobs the size of cows with a skinny alien female body as an afterthought? Why does it have to be that a guy who doesn't like those sort of things and has said so somewhere (not on the mod page of course) gets called a white knight, creepy, sexist and lacking in toughness? I don't buy into a mentality where being a fanboy is the ultimate good, so now I'm getting a bit irritated with all these suggestions that I am like the Faux News extremists, who actually want feminists not to exist.


I think that all modder forgot their main demographic; cats! All men and women in games should be replaced my soft, adorable cats and no one will complain. Besides, Conan is a example of a meat head as well as half of Skyrim. I seriously hate (this is true) hide and half fur armours. Even though I don't wear them, I am still forced to see them all time time during my travels and it annoys me. It's a cold and depressing place, at least wear something warm. My whole main point is however that if you focus on one group, it would be considered as discriminative because you are projecting male views onto the female. If we are going to discuss this, we should expand it to cover men as well. While it's more visible for women, for men it's more subtle and you barely notice it but it's still there.

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,,, I'm beginning to think that this debate would never have taken place if humanity never had discovered how warm fur of dead animals is ....

I'm sill at the opinion that it is a taste thing. Armours or cloths that should be come in more variants .. not only skimpy.

To bad I never saw a good mesh for male swimwear. I would have tried my textures on such.

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i think a good way to have balance is to have form fitting armor, esp on the female. that way you see the females curves but shes also clad in armor plating or what have you. the armor type is realistic, but the way its worn is just a little more fanciful and "sexy" for lack of a better word. realistically the armor, no matter the gender, would be a flat piece of armor that wouldn't have definitions for the chest.


like this for example:



but i find this to be a good balance:



form fitting but still armor.

Edited by hoofhearted4
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