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Blockhead not working


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Ok you're encyclopedic knowledge is impressive! I tried OBR Algorithm 1 (fast MM4) which didn't work so I then tried Alg 6 with the largest heapsize that would load of 896. The voices have returned but the lag hasn't gone. It's less pronounced but turning AA off completely seems to have little if no effect at all to the lag which leads me to suspect there is a bottleneck in the settings and not the hardware.

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Others will have the nitty gritty info you need on OSR ... I don't use it as I'm an old WinXP (32 bit) dinosaur using a Core 2 Duo with only 2 GB RAM (i.e not a lot OSR could do for me).


A stutter here, bit o' lag there are my way of life.

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Supierce is pretty active supporting mods like OSR and Oblivion Reload ... have you tried posting on the OSR mod comments or dropping Supierce a PM?


Is there a particular reason you need OSR anyway? Have you tried running without it?

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No experience using OR, but I would turn off all of it's effects (yea sounds counterintuitive), get the game working properly and then turn it's effects on one at a time (picking the ones you'd like to have).


Sounds to me like your stutter and lag is more systematic then ... do you have a dedicated sound card or on-board sound (e.g. Realtek or the like)?

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No experience using OR, but I would turn off all of it's effects (yea sounds counterintuitive), get the game working properly and then turn it's effects on one at a time (picking the ones you'd like to have).


Sounds to me like your stutter and lag is more systematic then ... do you have a dedicated sound card or on-board sound (e.g. Realtek or the like)?

No as in, I have taken EVERYTHING off and it's still buggered lol. I have internal soundcard and pro soundcard. I use the realtek soundcard as my pro one is for mixing with loud monitors - overkill and uses lot's of electricity lol. I was changing stuff in OR and accidentally deleted the oblivion.ini within the main folder rather than the saves folder when everything went to hell!


EDIT: so disabling HDR now with everything off seems to work although it worked fine before with HDR. I disabled the mods in wyre bash and took out blockheads and yet it's saying "install blockheads". Surely if I disabled the mods, they shouldn't be used... I'm baffled beyond belief.

Edited by Bongobasher
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When you install OCO v2 it replaces the vanilla game face textures with the one that displays the error face ... that way when you are installing you know whether or not Blockhead is working (OCO v2 can't perform it's magic without Blockhead). Because of the way that BSA Redirection works, without removing the actual files that OCO v2 added you will not see the vanilla game face textures (which are safely tucked away in the vanilla game file Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa, so no worries).


To uninstall OCO v2 completely simply delete the files that OCO v2 added (so all of the head related files found in each race subfolder in Data\Textures\characters).


My question about sound cards was related to how the on-board sound solutions often cause stuttering type problems (they don't actually do any of the sound processing themselves ... they just route all of that to the CPU, tying it up from other uses for the game).


Make certain the game is using your dedicated sound card and not the on-board. One way to perform that test is to disable the on-board sound in your system BIOS temporarily, but I'm not sure how comfortable you are with doing things like that.


Another possible troubleshooting step for sound related issues is to disable sounds in Oblivion.ini temporarily and see if that resolves the problem (this is to find out if sound issues is at the root of the problem, not a solution). All you need to do is change bSoundEnabled=1 to bSoundEnabled=0 and then test for your stuttering/lag problem.

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