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Blockhead not working


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Hmm trying to fix sound/stutter issues when I'm getting completely black screen is like trying to fix a loose floorboard whilst the house is burning down. I have uninstalled and deleted everything, not sure if I can be arsed to try again. How do you not scratch your eyes out when trying to mod?

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Don't worry, when I first started I was exactly like everybody else ... I wanted it all even though I hadn't done anything to learn how to get there. I railed and steamed at all the jargon every where I looked for answers. I wanted to say to heck with it about a half dozen times a day.


Fortunately I'm a bit like a dog with a bone when it comes to getting over most humps in the road. As I learned more, more of what I read made sense. Can't say how long it took for sure, but once the light went on it got easy enough to be called fun. Before I retired a big part of my job was troubleshooting and problem solving, so I brought a pretty handy toolset along with me.


Yup, not much chance of troubleshooting sound on a black screen. That's why way back in your first thread I suggested starting small and doing one thing at a time. Gives you a chance to get your head around stuff a little at a time, and gives us here a solveable problem to use as a training tool.

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Did you undo the switching shader packages (i.e. rename your original shader package back to it's correct name after deleting/renaming the shaderpackage019.spd that was renamed to force shader model 3.0)?


The other thing that comes to mind is did you make any changes to your nVidia/ATI control panel that didn't get reversed?

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I think I will also move to responding here, instead of the PMs. So you removed Oblivion, and all the remnants of it (like, completely deleted the game's folder) and it still has issues after a reinstall? And you really did also remove the game folder (since the uninstaller software does not automatically remove mod-added things and all that)? That sounds very very odd. Especially since it worked before. And all your other games work just fine?


This is the part where I am running out of ideas. It always ends up like this, someone has issues I have never run into myself, and I have no clue how to go about fixing them. I even have an AMD graphics card, have had for years and years, and most other gamers have Nvidia. As I mentioned, some people (in the Oblivion Reloaded comments thread) were having issues with Nvidia drivers after the Windows 10 AE update a while ago, might have been related to a grey screen too, but apparently some newer version fixed those. I think. So it might have been a driver issue. Oh well. But since it worked a while ago... :wacko:

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Did you undo the switching shader packages (i.e. rename your original shader package back to it's correct name after deleting/renaming the shaderpackage019.spd that was renamed to force shader model 3.0)?


The other thing that comes to mind is did you make any changes to your nVidia/ATI control panel that didn't get rever

The line in the script I had to look for wasn't there. That was the case with a lot of the settings in OR and OSR. "Change x, y and z settings from 0 to 1, 20-50" etc. Then when you look in the file some simply aren't there! SO I do a search for stuff similar within the files and they're not there! all my other games run sweet as a nut. Oblivion ran fine before I started messing about with stuff lol.


I went through and deleted every scrap I could find including on cc cleaner (registry). I have Nvidia GFX but the threads say that has since been sorted. I think it's something to do with OSR or OR as they're the only ones that involved messing around with ini files and such...

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The ini settings you do not have, you can add. Which ones did you not have? I have heard some people do not have some of the settings, but they have always been there for me. And you did change the one in your "Documents\My Games\Oblivion" folder or somewhere in there, not the default ini in the game folder?


When adding the settings, the trick is to add them in the right sections. I think. If it matters, I have never tested it. There is something in here (an article about OR, by Alenet) --> http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/articles/44178

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The ini settings you do not have, you can add. Which ones did you not have? I have heard some people do not have some of the settings, but they have always been there for me. And you did change the one in your "Documents\My Games\Oblivion" folder or somewhere in there, not the default ini in the game folder?


When adding the settings, the trick is to add them in the right sections. I think. If it matters, I have never tested it. There is something in here (an article about OR, by Alenet) --> http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/articles/44178

It was for OSR and OR. I did searches for all of the names listed and then part of them. Cannot remember now as they as not memorable! However, strangely trying the texture work-around it fixed the bug although now people have faces a very strange orange! Not sure how the fresh install could have installed incorrectly? If I mod it again, the faces etc will change but the strange folder 19 orange hue will stay?

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My shader package renaming question stems way back to your second post on this thread (see post #3), but now after rereading that post I think you probably didn't do any of the shader package renaming so nothing to undo there.

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My shader package renaming question stems way back to your second post on this thread (see post #3), but now after rereading that post I think you probably didn't do any of the shader package renaming so nothing to undo there.

Haha I never needed to before I started poking about. Might as well try again and see how far I get this time eh. If nothing else, hopefully I'm providing some light entertainment? I am to modding as the people on Jeremy Kyle are to life in that you probably feel super smart next to someone like myself!

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