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Blockhead not working


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Thanks Striker.


I have taken a load of screenshots that hopefully will help you. To let you know I imported loads of textures from Nexus all of which instructions were to drag and drop into the relevant folders. I thought this meant they would replace the textures within the folders and be drawn upon by other mods and such?


You're profile says that you live in Canada, what brought you to India? Sounds very picturesque!
Edited by Bongobasher
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LOL ... no India would be a LOT warmer than here today. We Canadians refer to these warm sunny autumn days as Indian summer, as in North American native Indians (aka these days First Nations). It is warm enough to work up a nice sweat though.


Seems my breakfast hasn't stuck to my ribs as well as I'd anticipated ... lunch break then back to being messy (and I am being rather proficient at that today, as witnessed by anyone looking at my back patio right now). I'll have a look at the new images later and report my findings/theories.

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Haha take a couple of shots of your messy handy work if you get a chance! I was thinking on it and thought that maybe re-installing the original mods (from original files) could replace the textures and fix the problem but then how would I replace the textures or anyone else for that matter? As in replace specific textures with others. Edited by Bongobasher
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My thinking is maybe either textures/meshes missing because the UOP Quarl's patch isn't there or simply install order related problems (which are easily fixed by changing the order in the WB Installers tab).


Lunch break is over and the good weather is tickling out like sand through an hourglass. I'll have a detailed look once daylight starts failing.

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OK, I'm having a pre-supper scan of things and having trouble figuring out your "The Imperial Environment - All-In-One -..." (number 4 on your Installers tab image on your post #39 on page 4). Is it the "The Imperial Environment - All-In-One - BAIN - PATCH_3_1" download from The Imperial Ecology - All In One BAIN?


- Edit - I think probably not. I'll need a link to that mod ... my search foo on Nexus Mods Oblivion is abysmal.

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Well if that's the case the only thing I see listed in your Installers tab is the patch ... did you install the main part of the mod manually?


- Edit - OK ... I think I may know now how you installed Imperial Ecology. What has had me confused is the the package in your list is The Imperial Environment while the download is The Imperial Ecology. Did you follow the instructions to apply the patch and then run the makeBAIN.bat? If so the batch file probably changes the name to Imperial Environments when making the new BAIN (probably simply to give me some obscure detail to get obsessed with).


- Edit 2 - Which of the base parts do you have activated (obviously not 201 or 301 ... so is it 401 or 501)?


- Edit 3 - OK as far as I can tell it wouldn't matter which of the bases you have ticked. The only overwrite from Imperial over Quarl's is the one it lists (default.dds and default_n.dds ... which isn't a problem unless you didn't want that change, in which case you'd just untick 504 in Imperial). All of the other conflicts I've scoped out are ones that you'd expect ... in fact that is the whole point of keeping the UOPs near the top of your load order/install order, so that the UOP changes can be overwritten/overridden by other mods you choose to install.


I'm afraid we've exceeded my pay grade here as to what you're seeing in that screenshot with the messed up textures.


- Edit 4 - And with the staffs mod you don't have any of the sub-packages selected ... not even 00 Core, so the white box is telling you that WB has installed nothing from that mod.

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Sorry I was working off of memory, was my birthday and hoping to play a lush modded oblivion lol so replied incorrectly. Kinda glad I was wrong because when you said about installing the .bak I was like "I defo followed directions to the letter!!!" Turns out I installed Imperial ENVIRONMENT mod I installed. It was a Bain with a wizard.


Ok I understand that you have reached a loss due to the amount of factors here. Does this sound like a good course of action to try and sort things out:


- Uninstall texture based mods and then re-install them. That way hopefully whatever is missing will be replaced again when installing the mod again? Or will this confuse things more?

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No that is a good troubleshooting plan. I'd suggest having a close eye on the reports that WB gives in the right hand upper pane and only do one at a time, looking for that problem in between installs in-game as well.


Do you have a link to the Imperial Environment mod so I can have a look at it?


- Edit - And happy belated birthday!!

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Ooooo I think I may have downloaded the patch for ecology? Would that explain the mayhem? Maybe uninstall the all in one, install the ecology...? Haven't done anything yet as I'm a bit scared of poking the angry bag of snakes with a stick.


EDIT: this is the file in my bash installers: The Imperial Environment - All-In-One - BAIN - 7October2015

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