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Blockhead not working


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That's the same mod I linked before. What has me confused is the one in your left hand pane list in the installers tab matches the patch name on that mod's page download tab, but the size I see listed matches (almost) the full Imperial Ecology download. That's why I thought maybe you had followed the install instructions for the patch, which creates a new archive to put into your Installers tab (possibly with that name change).


I'd suggest uninstalling the mod listed as Imperial Environment in your current Installers tab and see if the problem clears up as a first troubleshooting step.

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Ya, I just had a look at the makeBAIN.bat batch file in Notepad and it makes the change to the name of the patched archive, so you must have followed the instructions and ran the batch file. After you uninstall The Imperial Environment and make your test to see if that clears up the problem let me know and we'll do a "Striker special" to merge the patch with whichever main sub-package you had selected previously (was either 401 or 501). All the hoopla with the makeBAIN.bat etc is to merge two files into potentially three folders ... sheesh!!

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I uninstalled the ENB "a tweaked ENB" and the weird seams have left so I must have done something wrong in that process. Hope I can make this part work as the ENB adds such delicious effects!


With all the various files you have to download from different areas with ENB's it's no stretch of the imagination that I may have one file from one ENB setup and one from another that conflict or something. Will start again with the ENB and see if re-doing the install eliminates the problem and keeps the effect I so desire.

Edited by Bongobasher
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Because of my hardware limitations I've not ventured down any of these paths, but my bet would be that you'll find your problem has been worked before in the ATE mod comments.


- Edit - Hmm now I see that ATE has commenting turned off ... so much for that idea.


- Edit 2 - Just had a look at the ATE install instructions. Let me know if you're having any issues.

Edited by Striker879
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Yea I messaged the uploader earlier and explained what I have done. I followed the instructions step by step and did all of the problem solving parts. He was last active yesterday so hopefully he may well be up for helping. if not, I can always use another ENB although I'm not so keen on the others as this one manages to do very nice heavy effects that really suit my style of immersion

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Providing you have manually installed all of the files correctly (looks like a copy/paste type mod installation to me ... not something for Wrye Bash) then are you using an nVidia video card or AMD? There are some specific instructions for nVidia users, but I didn't see anything similar for AMD users.


Did you also get the correct d3d9.dll from the Wrapper folder from the linked ENC Series v0.181 page?

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Another detail that may help astrob0y troubleshoot is full info on your operating system and hardware ... other than that I can't think of much to suggest.


- Edit - It's only a single file that you use from the ENB Series website ... just d3d9.dll (all others will be the ones from the ATE extracted download).

Edited by Striker879
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