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Eyes disappear/double-eye glitch?


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I'm also having this particular glitch. It's quite annoying and I've a better part of some days looking for a possible fix. The closest I've found is http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=5321 and honestly, at this point, I'd be happy with that.

This seems to happen primarily when one's character teleports or turns invisible for whatever reason, mostly the second part.

Is there absolutely any sort of progress or word on how this might be fixed? I've seen some people claim that deleting .ini files helped, yet when I did so I got nothing.

This glitch has also been confirmed to not be mod related but instead seems more to be how the game handles invisibility texture interchanging between regular textures and invisible ones.

Any word or help on this would be highly appreciated, and thank you for your time in reading this.

On that particular note.. I hope this doesn't count as "necroing." This just appeared to be the best topic to try and bring back for this glitch that I've seen.

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Gonna try this fix...


I was having this problem while using CustomRaces, after forever of messing around it was simple fix, i added DeleteEyesTiltPatcher to my customerace folder and i only have 2 eyes now : ) Im not sure if you can do it while playing a vanilla race but it worked for what I needed

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