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Settler soldier/civilian AI


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Hey, so in my settlement i have soldiers armed with tons armor and guns , and civilians with nothing on them but clothes... so i want to do that in a fight settlers marked as soldiers will go fight while others marked as civilians will just try to run away to safety. any mod that does something similar? if not can you please make it? would be awesome!

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Off the top of my head...


Create new leveled actor list with...

1) one (or multiple) actors (based off workshopnpc lchar...I think I remember that's the one) that are kitted out with weapons and armor, and set to aggressive or maybe foolhardy.

2) one (or more) actors (based off workshopnpc lvchar) with just civvies, and set to nonaggressive, cautious or most likely cowardly (there might even be setting somewhere about not being able to pick up items/weapons...iirc).

3) go into the workshopscript (the main one or) of the workbenches and change the recruiting to point to the new list, depending on how widely one wants this to extend, the whole game or just certain settlements.

4) Done ('ish).


...unless I got something wrong. There would obviously be quite a bit more, but that *should* get it going.

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No, I got it.



Recently I've kinda taken to finding request threads and theorizing how they could be done. I can't do them (because I've got my own large project), but theorizing and suggesting starting points for them might help someone else take them on.


l might see a good idea that I put into my own thing, though. (Edit: I haven't yet, but if I actually grabbed an idea I would, of course, separate it out as a separate download and let the thread know I did it)


I will say that I like this idea, and that the *big* vanilla workshop parent quest does have accommodations for 2 types of settlers: workers and guards. So might be pretty straight forward if someone did it with the intention of making it game wide.


P.S. I should mention I'm doing something like this for my own thing. Regular soldiers (of my themed race) and legendary soldiers (at a lower frequency).

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