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Anyone think about remaking Oblivion


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Hi all.

This is my first time on the Nexus Forums.

I've been playing Skyrim for about 20 hours now and I'm loving it. I've played Oblivion a bit and I thought it was a cool idea, but I got tired of it after about 10 hours.

For example, I played a mage character in Oblivion and got my ass kicked. Playing a mage in Skyrim, I'm kicking ass.

I think if Oblivion was remade with the new Creation Engine with Skyrim's design, it would be awesome.

What do you think?

Is it possible?


Another thing, with these border entrances near Riften and Falkreath, do you think the other areas of Tamriel could be added into Skyrim?

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this ideas are all very possible when the creation kit comes out, Oblivion had several mods that added the other provinces to the game, so i can imagine skyrim will have the same, it all depends on what they give us as resources, cyrodiil had a varied landscape but skyrim is mostly mountainous so we dont know if they are gonna give us and thing desert/plain/marsh related
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It sounds like cool idea, but everything would have to be remade from scratch, its something I would play for a few hours for the novelty, but it would get boring quickly with original user created content. A copy and paste would not be interesting
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Actually, this is about the same as the idea of remaking Morrowind in the Skyrim engine. Unless you get written permission from Bethsda, you can't do it. Don't expect permission any time soon, Bethesda has maintained a policy of not allowing remakes of one game in another games engine (or in other words, porting content). Sorry to poo-poo on your thread, but you should know this before you start making a lot of plans and getting your hopes up.
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Yeah, like it was said it would be an unbelievable amount of work, since every Model etc. has to be remade from scratch. Except if you find a way to ensure, that the User has installed Oblivion, that is good enough to please Bethesda, so they will give you their permission (rather unlikely).


Another possiblity that I was experimenting around (without much success) would be an automatic conversion. The Records etc. are close enough that it might be possible to at least port parts of Oblivion via a specially written program. As in the user downloads the program, uses it to converse Oblivion.esm into a Skyrim compatible Oblivion.esm and uses that together with the bsa files to play Oblivion using the Skyrim engine. Since it would be insured that the User has Oblivion.esm and the bsa files there should be no complain about copyright etc.

But I don't think that would be entirely possible, since you would also need something to make all the nif files compatible(don't know how much has changed) and force everyone to use the old races, since I doubt that the old armor etc. fits the new models. So I don't think that Oblivion will ever be playable with the Skyrim engine, but if someone proves me wrong I wouldn't be mad about it.

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Hi all.

This is my first time on the Nexus Forums.

I've been playing Skyrim for about 20 hours now and I'm loving it. I've played Oblivion a bit and I thought it was a cool idea, but I got tired of it after about 10 hours.

For example, I played a mage character in Oblivion and got my ass kicked. Playing a mage in Skyrim, I'm kicking ass.

I think if Oblivion was remade with the new Creation Engine with Skyrim's design, it would be awesome.

What do you think?

Is it possible?


Another thing, with these border entrances near Riften and Falkreath, do you think the other areas of Tamriel could be added into Skyrim?


Why are people obsessed with remaking :D?

No, not that it's wrong, but, IMO, it's much more interesting to create current-time Capital (sacked by Thalmors) and Morrowind (eruption).

And plus, current-time imagining saves you guys from legal nightmares.

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Oblivion is still here.

Morrowind is still here.

Why would you want it all in 1, when we allready got it all?


Besides, as Sunnie allready explained, we are not allowed to remake games no matter what you do.

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