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Unable to Download from Some Pages


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Yup, the two files SoloPlayer mentioned can only be downloaded with Premium servers, Normal servers don't contain links, only text. Here's a screenshot when I tried to download NMC's textures, same thing happens with Ancient Dwemer Ruins:


Edited by Werne
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I don't see the same problem. All text is hyperlinked for me.






Then again, my admin account is flagged as premium and I think only premium servers are listed. I'll check again using a plain-jane test account. EDIT: All servers are simply lumped together...the top 2 are premium (notice the small number of current users) and the rest are non-premium servers (notice the large number of current users).


EDIT: Just checked with my non-premium account and the normal servers were listed with the expected hyperlinks.




Looking at the one screenshot provided, I find it highly irregular that the web browser screen is entirely white as well as being in a separate tab...or more likely, simply taking up the entire page since I don't see evidence of telling it to open in a separate tab.


The screenshots I provide are from Firefox 8.0 on Windows 7 Ultimate, 64-bit. Even though I have Adblock Plus and NoScript add-ons, I have them configured to allow all Nexus sites...which works for me.



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Well I appreciate you looking at it, but that is exactly how it is on my Firefox 9 browser. Except that instead of a white background it is gray, full paged, and like the other poster only the premium sites are linked.


All mods for me on on all the Nexus pages do this for me - clicking on the link to the mod (or the manual link) results in a full page display of the download links - after the advertisement - if an advertisement is played (not always).

If the download is successful, as it often is with most mods. then after the server is chosen and the download starts and the colored web-page is displayed.


I'm often not getting that splash screen that then dulls the rest of the page out and blocks functions on the page. I thought maybe it was in the options to open links in a new tab, but setting that to not be the case didn't change the behavior.


Same behavior on Firefox, IE, and Chrome.


Is it maybe that it is broken depending on where you are downloading from? I'm in U.S. California.


So far just these two mods. Darn - all I really need is part four of NMC.


[edit] actually new development ... with IE if I sign in to Nexus on that webbrowser (after logging out on Firefox) then after the advertisement plays it just asks me to log in again (even if I'm already logged in) infinitely looping back to logging in.


After doing that a few times then logging out and closing IE then starting it again and logging in - when I go to the download tab and click part 4 again it again only goes to the gray background with only premium available. Back to where I started.

Edited by SoloPlayer
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Resolution thanks to Malinthebeast and his comment on the NMC comments page:

Oh there we go. I changed my file download method to "Default on page pop up box" and the links were active. Must be a programming error.

My preferences were set to have files download on a separate page. Once I switched it to on page pop up box the links were immediately available and am downloading now.


Not sure if this is a bug but this was the solution for me.


[edit] also the Dallas server has not worked for me for days ... Seattle is working great though.

Edited by SoloPlayer
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I'm glad you have it sorted now.


One thing to check to make sure it is not a setting you have changed in your browser, try using portable browsers without changing any of their initial settings:


Firefox portable edition

Google chrome portable edition

Opera portable edition


The portable editions have no effect on the fully-installed versions and vise versa.



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