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First off, I hope this is in the right section. I'm not a frequent user of this forum.


Not sure if any one remembers me posting this a while ago (hence the badly-named thread title). I had an issue which I couldn't quite work out. Basically all my controls will stop responding out of nowhere. My character will start moving differently (his arms stuck down his sides and running like he's dancing a jig, as I'd describe it), my mouse buttons stop working (can't bring up PipBoy, equipped weapon, aim, etc) and my keyboard becomes unresponsive (escape doesn't work, neither does quick-saving). If I'm in first person, scrolling out with the mouse wheel causes my character to flicker where you can briefly see him in third person.


Well it's still happening. Since my previous post, I gave up with it and stopped playing NV. Only recently I was missing the game, so I started playing again, hoping the issue had resolved, but no. It's still there, kicking off randomly when after I've played a lengthy amount on a new save.


A couple of points that I think are relevant:


1. It happens on a new save (I have several hard-saves, though I usually start over when I install/remove mods). When I started playing again I started fresh saves, I also removed some mods I didn't fancy anymore and installed some new ones, starting fresh each time.


2. No errors listed in LOOT, no mod conflicts, I carefully install mods and test them out, and remove mods that don't work.


3. I get no problems early on in a new save; 100% of the time when it's happened I've been level 15+...this may be a coincidence, but it's happened like that each time...I have no problems up until I've been playing for several hours and levied up a lot, and then it starts occurring.


4. I don't have an overload of large mods and I don't install rubbish, mainly small fixes, tweaks and additions. I do run the game with FNV4GB as I have a large graphic overhaul mod as I find the vanilla graphics/texture unappealing, and I also have NVSE as I use a few mods that require it.


5. I have FOOK which is one of the bigger mods I have, I'm wondering if that's part of it, whether the game's camera is conflicting with FOOK, or if there's a line of text in the game.dat (I believe it's called) notepad file that's enabled and shouldn't be. Again these are my speculations so they're just "maybe it's this...".


6. It's not hardware related. My mouse is virtually new and my keyboard, though I've had it for a while, works 100% and does not play up or have connection issues ever. Everything's connected correctly to my PC and I don't use plugged-in controllers.


This time I recorded it in action using my tablet. I had to do it with one hand as I couldn't find my tablet stand, plus it was late at the time, so please excuse the average recording quality. I also quickly ran the video through Sony Vegas Pro and added text, in yellow text (best option I could find) on the screen giving details:




In the video I was in the Deathclaw Promontory (as you probably worked out), just happily killing Deathclaws when the issue started up. I was level 27 or so, the longest I've ever played without this weird issue happening. I cut out the remaining 20 seconds or so of video, as it showed nothing of interest apart from me backpedaling away helplessly from a Mother Deathclaw which had magically spawned after I reloaded a save, and since I can't do anything with my character except for slide around awkwardly I force-closed the game.


I hope I can get this sorted. If you wish to have more video of it happening then let me know, and I'll go and record some more of it when I have the time and upload it to YT and link it here.

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That is a weird one. PC animations stop working, keyboard and mouse buttons don't respond but movement controls do, all after a lengthy play session.


That suggests to me that either you're getting a "memory exhaustion" problem, or hardware overheating.


The memory problem might be fixable by adjusting the "heap size". See this entry in the Fallout NV Mod Conflict Troubleshooting" guide for details.


Finally, the problem might be an overheating hardware component. This usually shows up after a period of time which is typically fairly consistent but unpredictable as to when it manifests. Try installing and keeping an eye on a temperature monitor, such as Speedfan (freeware). Your motherboard manufacturer probably has one available as well. And it never hurts to clean out any dust collecting in the computer case. Be sure to block any fans from rotating when you blow it out, so they don't send any unfiltered power surges through the system.



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I take it I should start fresh with a new game? I just installed NVSR and added the ini file, loaded up my current save and the issue is of course poised and ready to start; as soon as I press M1 or change weapons it kicks in. Kinda leaves me stuck and unable to progress.

Edited by MrFrancis
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Well, if it was simply a memory exhaustion problem, then loading a save game should work. As well an overheating problem wouldn't kick in as soon as you load a save game file (unless the system has been on long enough to build up the heat sufficiently). So, it looks like it is more complex. But just to be clear, did you apply the "Sheson memory patch" and test the various NVSR heap algorithms for the best fit to your system? Did you blow out any dust?


Are you by any chance using the game's built-in "autosave" feature? If so, please read this entry, and start a new game.


Otherwise, see if you can load an earlier save where the problem has not yet manifested, and try to force it to reproduce at will. Use a different route to see if it's location specific or time related. Take careful note of the circumstances to see if they can be duplicated. The more we know about what triggers the issue, the more likely we can identify the core problem.



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Right, I disabled the auto-save feature. I then deleted my most recent save, where the issue was present as soon as I'd load it. I went back to an older quick-save. Played for about 5 minutes with no problems. Then it started up again. My system isn't dusty or overheating. I don't put stress on my machine/over-clock it and my process-use is almost 0%.


As for the memory patch, I downloaded it and followed the instructions, creating a new folder in my data folder, then a "Plugins" folder in that, then copied all the .dll files over and added that memory command into a new .ini file ( [Memory]

DefaultHeapInitialAllocMB=448). into the NVSE which was the first folder (hope you followed that).


Here's a second video of the issue occurring when I'm in first person. Freshly filmed just now and I didn't see the point of editing it, just quickly shot it and uploaded it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GT9hfg1nnV8&feature=youtu.be


I'm not highly knowledgeable with modding and tweaking, so I'll be following as best as I can. Is there perhaps a program I can download and run which monitors FNV and activities going on in the background as I play which may help pinpoint the culprit?

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If you installed NVSE correctly, then there will be an "nvse_steam_loader.log" file in the game root folder (i.e. "C:\Games\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas"). The last couple of lines should look something like:

config path = C:\Games\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\Data\NVSE\nvse_config.ini
overriding memory pool sizes
default heap = 448MB
OnHook: thread = 4696
calling winmain



If there isn't such a log file, add these lines to the "nvse_config.ini file" after the "[memory]" section:






Edit: Took a bit for this to register. When you say "then copied all the .dll files over", I hope you left these in the game root folder:






I see you spinning your mouse wheel in the video, and your character "flickering". That alone is unusual. What are you expecting to happen when you use the mouse wheel? Is it tied to a mod, and if so, which one?


That seems to be the same location around the DeathClaw gravel pit. Try moving away (not using 'fast travel') from there and see if problem kicks in after roughly the same amount of time. Trying to determine if it is specific to that location.


If you had been using the game "autosave" feature, there is no telling how far back it corrupted things. You might try even earlier saves (preferably before you attempted any 'fast travel') and see if it still happens. Otherwise only a new game without the use of that feature will eliminate that as a possible source of the problem for certain.



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Thanks for attending to me, you've been very helpful so far. Now onto your recent comments:


The following lines in the "nvse_steam_load.log" are:


config path = C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas\Data\NVSE\nvse_config.ini

overriding memory pool sizes
default heap = 448MB
OnHook: thread = 2076
calling winmain
The NVSE folder I created in the Data folder contains two items; a folder called "Plugins" which I created, and nvse_config.ini,. Inside the Plugins folder are the following items:
- A folder called ComponentDLLs
- sr_New_Vegas_Stutter_Remover.dll
- sr_New_Vegas_Stutter_Remover.ini
- sr_New_Vegas_Stutter_Remover.txt
Inside the ComponentDLLs folder are 3 files:

I trust that I've done everything correctly; I followed 2 separate video tutorials on YT to ensure everything was placed in the right areas. If I've done something incorrectly then I'll be sure to address it.
When I said "I copied all the .dll files over" I was referring to the installation of NVSE (Stutter Remover); I said .dll just to save time though I see now it's slightly confused you. I have not touched any of the .dll files in the root folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout New Vegas). The files you mentioned:

- nvse_1_4.dll

- nvse_1_4ng.dll

- nvse_editor_1_4.dll

- nvse_steam_loader.dll

Are still in the root folder and I have not tampered with any files in the root folder.

Me spinning the mouse wheel in the video is not tied to any mods, it's only function is to scroll out into 3rd person/back into 1st person. My act in doing so was to demonstrate the "flickering character" part of the issue which I tried describing. I decided it would be more effective to just film it in action; as you see I can't scroll out if I'm in 1st person, it locks me in that position and trying to scroll out gives the flicker where I can briefly see my character. The "running with arms straight down" is visible in 3rd person if I was in 3rd person when the issue starts up, and is the tell-tale sign (along with vats not working, pipboy not coming up, pause not working, etc) that the issue is active.

The location is the same (Deathclaw Promontory). That's the area I just so happened to decide to go to during my current play-through, thinking the issue had gone, only to find that it hadn't and started up again when I was clearing the area. I will try going elsewhere without the use of fast travel (since I can't get back and see if I can play normally without the issue starting up, and report back later. It's entirely plausible that something in that area, maybe added/altered via a mod, is the culprit. On previous play-throughs in the past I've visited the Promontory and had the issue happen, though it's also happened when I've been exploring the area near Nelson. Could be coincidence or it could be a specific area that triggers the issue. We'll have to work that out.

My next option would be to once again (I'm used to it so don't worry) start a fresh save with the auto-save feature disabled and just play with manual saves only, in case auto saving is somehow fiddling with the game. I have a hard save literally minutes after I created my character, though I can also "super fresh" and just start an entirely new character.
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I'm usually helping a couple of people a day, every day, with problems, so I don't recall exactly what we went through last time. If you could provide a link to the previous thread it will help cut down on the questions on my end.


Looks like you have NVSE installed correctly, and that log is the definitive proof. However, it tells me you have Steam (and consequently FNV) installed to the "C:\Program Files(x86)" folder tree. Please read the article "Installing Games on Windows Vista+" in my signature and move it. Not sure if it is tied to your particular problem, but leaving it there WILL cause issues.


So, you get the flickering character switching between 1st and 3rd person view because you are "locked" into 1st person? (The "locked in" wasn't quite apparent in the video.) That's helpful to know. I'll do some research on it.


Edit: I found a couple of references to getting locked into 3rd person, and one into 1st person but it was on a console and fixed by rebooting. In your case I would suggest:

1. If you have a console game controller attached, see this entry in the "Mod Conflict" guide.


2. Try remapping the "switch view" key back to the keyboard. Then in the bottom right corner of the "key mappings" screen, click "Devices" and make sure the mouse is set as your device for Fire [L], Aim [R] and scroll [mouse wheel]. Double check the key bindings for fire, aim and scrolling in "mappings". That should put it back the default mouse use, and try "Deathclaw Promontory" again.


3. Is your mouse by any chance a Logitech brand? If so, see this entry.


The hard save immediately after you created your character should be just fine for "starting over" when you decide to do that. But try going elsewhere than "Deathclaw Promontory" first just so we can rule it out as location specific.



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Yes, I get locked into 1st person. If I'm in 1st person when the issue starts I'm stuck in it, and trying to scroll out will just give the flickering effect. If I'm in 3rd person you can see the "arms down the side" while running which is a sign that the issue is active. I'm sure the locked in aspect was shown in the 2nd video; I was in 1st person trying to scroll out and just got the flickering and couldn't get out into 3rd person.


I do not use controllers to play so controller conflicts are crossed off. I'll look into the remapping suggestion and try what you suggested, and also the moving of the game. My mouse is not of the Logitech brand.

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