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Well the animations have been restored to their defaults, after I removed the folders you mentioned and verifying the game cache a few time (just to make sure), fired up the game and saw the default animations. I'll see i f I can trigger the issue in various Deathclaw sites. Again that could mean that it's linked to that or something else and it's just coincidence. Another poster on my discussion post also said "That is some mod for sure, a script going haywire." That could narrow it down to mods that I have installed which run scripts as opposed to texture-fixes or AI fixes that I have. This could be FOOK, Monster Mod or A World Of Pain that might be conflicting or that I haven't installed correctly. As I said, the majority of my mods are small alterations, textures fixes and enhancements for the game. Not saying that they're problem-proof, just that I don't keep installing junk mods or large mods.

Edited by MrFrancis
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Ok, so this might be another big step forward; the issue started happening again. I was in Sloan, not fighting anything, just doing a vanilla quest, when I decided to install some mods that I had just purchased onto my newly-found 44 Magnum. As soon as I installed the mods and pressed M1 to bring up the gun to see what it looked like, nothing happened. The PipBoy wouldn't come up either, indicating that the issue had started up. Curiously I managed to get into 3rd person, and saw as I moved around my character had his left arm raised up for the run animation, while the right arm was stuck straight down his side. I opened the console, and sure enough "Refreshing Player" was listed all down the console. This is what a user on the discussions thread said is a script playing up, my guess is the "refreshing player" is just on a loop which is triggered by something, causing my controls to lock.

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That is useful (and encouraging) news. Try removing the weapon mod from the 44 Magnum, and check the console for the "Refreshing Player" message. (Among other things it will let us know if that is a reliable indicator that the game's mapped controls are affected, without the need to check the animation or switch views.) Then try various keyboard buttons and swapping view mode to 3rd Person and see if you still have the animation error, and check the console for that message again. That should tell us if that message is related to the view mode switch or not.


If the console message doesn't start until you switch view modes, that's one thing. If it does, that's another.


Then try adding the weapon mod back and run through those checks again, just to verify we can reproduce the error at will.


A "runaway script" does seem most likely at the moment, so we want to narrow down where it is coming from. You haven't implicated adding a weapon mod previously, but that it immediately failed (without switching view modes) suggests it may be something HUD-UI-Menu related. Normally other mods don't look for changes to weapons to trigger scripts (that I know of). Take a look at the "HUD-UI-Menu issues" article and see if you have more than one of the specific mods listed there installed. If so, follow that article's guidance on install order and see if you can trigger it again.


Do you have any mods that affect the camera/view installed? Anything not related to textures installed, especially ones that don't show up in the load order? (AI fixes might involve scripts.)


I'm tossing out several unrelated possibilities for consideration here. Otherwise, you'll have to try removing mods and testing.



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By "weapon mods" I meant the modifications that you buy in the game from a Gun Runners kiosk or from vendors. I hope that hasn't confused you. This is why I was puzzled by the issue triggering out of the blue when I wasn't doing anything notable.

Edited by MrFrancis
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Understood: you added an optional weapon feature like a scope or extended magazine, rather than adding a plugin. Which is why I am now suspecting a HUD-UI-Menu issue is triggering the runaway script.


Any change to the circumstances that trigger the problem is good news because it helps to narrow the focus to what is causing the issue. Some things get excluded, and sometimes new things get included, but it all helps.


For instance, what level was your character when this last incident triggered? Was it a recent change or one that had been in effect for a while? Can we rule out level as a factor?



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Yep, I installed, in this case, the heavy frame and scope, lowered the PipBoy and hit M1 to bring up the gun. Nothing. Went out into 3rd person and saw more strange movement animations. I.e the issue was active.

I don't suppose you're familiar with Mod Organizer? I've installed that and FNV Edit and am in the process of cleaning some files. The left side seems to be empty, video tutorials show that there's meant to be mods there but I can't see anything. I assume I'm supposed to upload my mods there? Or are they meant to appear by themselves? Not really sure. Here's an image (which I accidentally uploaded in the wrong area as I'm unfamiliar with these forums):



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I'm only superficially aware of MO. Don't have it, but have looked at some docs on it (enough to decide to stick with Wrye Flash as I am quite comfortable with it's functionally identical Oblivion version). But without MO installed to play around with, I prefer to refer people to the official manual (found here) and videos (found here).



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Well I've been searching through the script sources files using FNVedit, I was advised to search for "refreshing player" as that has appeared in the console when the issue's started. So far no matches have been found, so either I've yet to find something or I'm searching for the incorrect things.


My latest save in FNV has the issue ready to go, i.e everything is behaving normally, until I do something like try to bring up the PipBoy or bring out my currently equipped weapon. For whatever reason, the console doesn't list "refreshing player" this time, so that console entry may be irrelevant or just doesn't appear all the time. The save in question is a level 20 character.

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The "refreshing player" message would make sense whenever the game engine needs to redraw the player on screen, or update your inventory. Such as when you equip a weapon or switch view mode. That you are getting the lockup without the message suggests it is a secondary symptom rather than the primary cause.


Have you checked the "HUD-UI-Menu issue" article to see if you have any of those mods installed in the wrong order? The Pip-boy and key mapping are controlled by XML files.


Am I correct is concluding that you did not have any issues before level 20 in your latest tests? That indicate would it is indeed linked to level as suspected. If so, then which mods might trigger something when you hit level 20? (I note your "A World of Pain" ESM file has "(preview)" in the name. Such files are always suspect; indicating "beta" status. Betas are about finding just such obscure issues.)



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Well, sod it. I've decided to delete all my mods, uninstall + re-install it FNV. I'm starting fresh. I think this will be easier to work out the issue and the cause rather than mess about checking every single mod I have. If the issue persists on a clean, mod-less install, then we should be able to home in on it. I may install a few basic mods to start off with and see what happens. I'm thankful for your participation so far, and hope we can end this soon. It's really starting to irritate me now, so I think starting over would be better, mainly for me since I'm anxious to have my game back to normal and think starting off from fresh will be easier.

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