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Need your skyrim save files (without mods)


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Thank you. English can be very hard to pick up, all the words and crazy rules and spellings.



So, any suggestions on where the save games are stored by Skyrim?

Thank you for the reply. I did in fact do both (search the site and the computers HD) before posting here.

Don't know why I didn't get a hit on this site, perhaps poorly worded search.

When I searched for saves on the HD, I didn't get a hit. I am not the system admin - maybe that is the reason.

I'm also visually impaired thanks to a TBI and have difficulty when there is a lot of text on the screen.


When I researched the HD I did in fact find the saves this time. Really baffles me.

I use to wish I had all day to play these games and now I do. Careful what you wish for.

Spelling also is a complete lost for me now.


"Thank You" - Awkward, right?

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