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What type of graphics card are you using?

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Nvidia (MSI) 7600GT AGP 512MB DDR2 560/800 FTW! Yeah woo


It gets up to at least 30fps outdoors in Oblivion, and runs my selection of games fine at 1680x1050.


But that doesn't stop me wanting my new, delayed, 8800GT rig, or 9800GT, or 10800GT, or whatever it is by the time I actually buy it.


BTW, does anyone know how an 8600M GT 256MB DDR2 would perform compared to the 7600GT?

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It would perform much worse, I think Crisb. Half the memory, and lower clock speeds, so theres no way it could outperform it. You'd have to look up the exact speeds to know just how much worse it would be compared to the 7600GT, though.


I do find it odd, however, that your 7600GT has much faster clock speeds than both the 8500 and 8600 series. I wonder why nvidia did that...

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Thanks for that Terminator. I don't know why Nvidia did that, it may be the same as the 3870/8800GT that higher clock speeds don't necessarily mean it performs better. But I really have no clue.
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Ultra-clocked 8800GTS, wish I had gone for the GTX now because I recently aquired a 24'' monitor where the native resolution is 19001200. For 1600x1200 the GTS pretty much resembles the GTX in benchmarks, but above that resolution you start seeing a larger difference. Ho hum, thankfully the games I'm playing aren't too taxing at the moment :)

I just bought a 8800GT Superclocked from EVGA. I will probably run at much lower resolution though, so i should be fine. :)

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Clock speed is usually important.


I have SLI 7600GT 256MEGS


in this config, along with 3gigs memory and (at the time oblivion came out) a decent processor (though by today's standards AMD 3800+ 939 isn't exactly 'hip'), Oblivion runs very well at 1200 x 750 resolution (or whatever the reso is close to that (1200 x 800? .. something like that?).


the default settings were "High" when it auto-checked and my FPS drop to about 20 when things get hectic and are at 30 - 50 normally.

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I bought an old 6800 Ultra from my brother in law a year or so ago for $50. It was an upgrade from my 9800 Pro. I'm so used to lower performance, I don't really notice the skippyness anymore, unless the FPS drops down into the teens that is. As for Oblivion, I have all the sliders to the right & running at 1024x768. No Grass shadows, everything else on. As far as i'm concerned, I get just fine FPS overall.



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