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What type of graphics card are you using?

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The man speaks the truth, its sick card.



im Running a 8800GT w/ custom bios and a fairly heavy overclock [and a 8400GS, but thats for physx and extra monitors] ran a stock oblivion with all ingame settings maxed @ 1440*900 extremely well. im currently gathering mods for a new install on vista ultimate x64, ill update when i get everything up and running, hopefully with 16xQ supersambling AA enabled

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well @ 1440x900, ever ingame setting cranked, HDR on ingame, 16XQAA supersambling forced through the drivers, and QTP3 and a few other hi res textures im averaging 45-50 FPS, unless i move quickling outside, then it starts to drop to 20-25
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I'm using a 8800 GTX at 1280x1024 at 16xAA with HDR enabled, plus Qarl's texture pack Full and all the eye candy. This is my desktop. Oblivion run awesome on this rig.


My laptop uses a 8400 running at 1440x900. No AA with HDR enabled. Great for Lan parties on other games such as Command and Conquer 3. Has a hard time with Oblivion though.

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i use two 8800GTS 640 ,oc 670GPU 1780 SHADER and 980 DDR ,this is very powerfull in all games

that uses textur replacer or any other graphik tweaks,sli problems that i heard,is most a wrong user setting, i love multi gpu,and the driver supports,ati or nvidia for sli or crossfire is better than for two years. Most games have profiles for dual GPUs. I play on an 22 zoll 16:10 TFT in 1680 -1050 with 16 anisotropic an 8 antialiasing. All my favourit games runs perfectly on this system. Oblivion runs with quarls texturs,atmospheric weather etc, (68 activated mods!!) with hdr Antialiasing and aniso,with 51-89 frames,never under 40 frames!!

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I have a Gigabyte Nvidia Geforce 8800GT 256mb version, which will run Oblivion perfectly with no FPS drops at 1280x1024 with HDR enabled and shadows on full...but then again with games that have come out since Oblivion such as Crysis it struggles in some of the cut scenes running at under 15 FPS, but otherwise it averages around 30 odd FPS. Its also quite heavily overclocked with the core running at 702Mhz and the memory running at 756Mhz and the Nvidia software wont let me turn it back down...XD


Which reminds me..is 70-80 odd degrees centigrade ok for a graphics card to get to? or do i need more cooling? As it reaches this temp after about 15 mins of Oblivion...

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I have a Gigabyte Nvidia Geforce 8800GT 256mb version, which will run Oblivion perfectly with no FPS drops at 1280x1024 with HDR enabled and shadows on full...but then again with games that have come out since Oblivion such as Crysis it struggles in some of the cut scenes running at under 15 FPS, but otherwise it averages around 30 odd FPS. Its also quite heavily overclocked with the core running at 702Mhz and the memory running at 756Mhz and the Nvidia software wont let me turn it back down...XD


Which reminds me..is 70-80 odd degrees centigrade ok for a graphics card to get to? or do i need more cooling? As it reaches this temp after about 15 mins of Oblivion...


70-80 is ok ,over 105 is danger ,nvidia cards ,make underclocking by 120 cg,my 8800gts have 89-93cg in sli,and runs stable,the 8800 gt from my friend ,he had sli too,has 94cg and runs absolut stable!!

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I have an 8500GT 512mb which I picked up a while back for about £45, and I can have almost every setting at max, with HDR and high shadows, and QTP3 installed, and get no problems whatsoever. This is with a 3ghz hyperthreaded processor, and 1gb of RAM, which I think is quite spectacular. Then again, I can also play Crysis on medium settings, with two or three of them at high, and still get framerates of 25-30FPS, which is probably even more spectacular :P


Then again, I use XP (I refuse to touch Vista), which halves the amount of memory I need compared to many people, and I only have a 15" monitor, so I cant play at a higher resolution than 1280x1024. Sadly I got my pc from DELL, so I can't overclock anything, but even with standard clock speeds, its pretty amazing. :)

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