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Woodcutting minor bug help.


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Hi so i just bought skyrim on steam non special edition bcuz i want to mod with as much freedom as possible maybe one day ill get SE but that's not why im here, maybe as time goes by i'll introduce myself better to you all little by little.

Anyways as for my first topic since i got skyrim for pc is this.

I'm very picky so i obviously wanna see things as neatly as possible in my game, one thing that triggered me was seeing sigurd aka belathor's shop co-worker chopping wood outside but as he was doing it some wood logs got stuck in his arm as he ignored and kept chopping more.

This disgusted me, i want to know if there's a console command to fix this or if any mods replenishes this.

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I believe that is an animation issue. It can happen every now and then with various NPCs. If you leave the area and return, their 3D should reload and it no longer be happening.


You can also try selecting the actor in the console and disable then enable, but I'm not sure what kind of other effects it may have later down the road.

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Minor temporary bug. It happens. It's like walking into a tavern and finding an npc wearing a wooden tray on her neck, or a Guard screaming epithets at a slaughterfish. Even better is killing a wounded Stormcloak and seeing them do the dance of the Nutcracker. Watching Mammoths rain from the Heavens is awesome. All, actually, pretty rare and random. I killed a Dragon, one time, that dived straight into the ground, leaving a vertical skidmark extending up towards the sky. Wish I would have screened that, a one time occurrence in many, many hours of Dragon killing.


Honestly, there are more annoying things built into the game. "Hey, I know You"


Screenshot it, chuckle, and move on. I have a hilarious screenshot collection of these rare, funny moments.


Also install USLEEP, which will patch the nasty known bugs that make you throw valuable computer accessories. Assuming you have Legendary Edition. If not, the specific USKP patches.

Edited by TeofaTsavo
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