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First ENB is wrecking FPS


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why you are using ENB? No need in SE.


Use mesh improvements and texture overhauls and you are fine.

Oh that's too funny! :D


No seriously enb is in beta stage atm so you can't really expect perfect performance. Should consider ourselves lucky that Boris got it working at all in such a short time!

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My experience is totally different. OldRim ENBs would kill my frame rate but these aren't hurting it at all. My only gripe is it takes FOREVER for the game to start with enb enabled in SE. First time I tried one I thought I had an ILS.


I noticed a big improvement over vanilla, the shadow gradients look a lot better. Stops that damn black face shadow on NPCs.

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The SE ENBSeries are in beta currently, the long load times are a known issue and are being worked out. Although ENB is quite limited at the moment, I'm confident that further time and effort on Boris' part will unlock full functionality.


We just need to give it time.

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