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Enhanced Vanilla Body and its mod author are gone.


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I'm truly shocked to see that Enhanced Vanilla Body, the 2nd most used body for Fallout 4, is just gone.


I don't know what happened or why it happened so randomly, but I'm quite stunned. The author's last post was a request to close his account. I'm thinking he either got hacked or something like that, because it doesn't make sense to just request an account closure when the mod has its own category on the Nexus and it was the 2nd most used body for Fallout 4.


Anyone got some detail as to why this happened? :O

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think all closed accounts are given a default status of 'banned'. Could be wrong though.


In the case of Leito86, I did some research when the mod first disappeared, and I saw him making a definite request to have his account closed. So no, as far as I'm aware, he wasn't banned for wrongdoing. The reason for his leaving, however, remains a mystery.

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I'm glad Wonder Body came out when it did and I hope that the folks who made stuff for EVB support Wonder Body now. Thankfully I also have EVB backups but still. It's a shame to see such a great mod and author disappear. :sad:


Indeed. Fully agree about EVB. But like you say, we've now got Wonder Body which looks fantastic. Just waiting for a couple more updates, so in the meantime, yes, I'm guarding my EVB files carefully.

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I already switched to Wonder Body and haven't had any issues using the Vanilla version of mod clothing/armor yet. Things that are much more reliant on exact body shape such as tattoos may not be quite compatible, but mod created clothing at least hasn't been an issue for me personally. I've tested the Ashara Steampunk outfit and quite a few of Elianora's clothes/armors.

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  • 2 months later...

Wonder Body is female only, so its definitely unsuitable for my needs. Guess I will guard my EVB files too.

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