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ATI Users Take Note


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Just tried this myself, and I'm noticing a distinct improvement in performance. :)


I hope this can be of help to some.

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NTW runs better? Hm maybe then Shogun TW 2 does as well?! I must check for myself!


*Opens up steam, launches STW2, waits 10 years for launcher screen to finish*


*Custom battle, my 5000 Yari vs 500 Katana Hero*


*Gets 2 FPS and loses*


Shameful Display!

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Lius: Well it was definately improved for Napolean and I'm using that overkill mod I forget the name but it lets you have battles with vast numbers of troops. Skyrim was definately faster perfomance in Markath which was always a little hit and miss before in regard to framerate.
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Oh awesome ;3 Is it fast even when you zoom into the battles? I mean I can run huge battles and get good FPS; but its always when you zoom in to feel the cinema it crushes your FPS to the floor. Not to mention, i think STW2 still hasnt optimized its dead bodies, like more dead bodies = more FPS hit. Weird since it should be the opposite way around.


Oh and is it just me that i get FPS hits in cities? Get constant 60 FPS outside in the barren lands, inside, but when i reach a city it seems to go down to like 40. It isnt every city and it sure isnt every part of the city but is most noticeable in Whiterun when your over looking the city from as you walk out from Dragonsreach; 60.....boom 40....walk down the stairs....whoosh 60....then look at a random wall....40? Wtf?

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Lius: It used to start to slow down when you zoomed in a big formation of troops, now its constantly fast with ultra settings. I don't have SSAO switched on or AA because I find them too much of a performance drain. The mod I'm using has 250-300 troops per formation, 6-8 guns per artillery battery.


Regarding Skyrim and FPS hit in cities Markath always saw a performance drain must be all the waterfalls or just bad optimization. Never saw a problem with the others Solitude was fine and so was Whiterun and I'm using Chris2012'2 High res textures.

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