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Been waiting for years to replay Skyrim on better hardware. Should I go SE or Original?


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Finally after years of waiting I have a decent computer to play Skyrim on.


The last time I played was about 4 years ago and spent endless hours on getting the right mods that would work with my crappy hardware.



So should I get the SE and hope most mods will work or get the original that's been tested and true?




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It depends on how patient you are. SE just came out a week ago, so the modding scene is just getting rolling, but I suspect in a couple months it's going to be much better. If you are willing to wait, I would, because SE is so much more stable; 64 bit game vs. 32 bit = you can use a lot more memory and not crash ( I have crashed it, but I was intentionally trying to do so).


The advantage to original Skyrim is there is a mod for virtually anything you want to do, and all of the tools you need to successfully use them are ready and waiting. And with the rig you have, you could make a pretty sweet-looking game without too much fuss.

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