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Complete overhaul: Rarer guns


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So I know the game's set in the US but I thought it'd be cool if there would be a way to make guns much rarer, making most players and npcs having to resort to melee weapons for the most part.


Aside from pipe weapons, guns in general would be made to be a lot more scarce. The game has really fun melee combat but a lot of players, myself included, like to play with damage modifications to make the game feel a lot more real. Which is fine but it makes playing with melee a lot less fun. Something like FROST or DUST would, in my opinion, be ten times better if coming across a gun was a rare occurrence, or something you had to really work for by going on some crazy difficult quest just for a pistol or killing a raider in power armour for a rifle.


Any takers? It's very mad max I know but I think it'd be sick.



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