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[WIP] D&D - Forgotten Realms (Total Conversion)


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What I wonder about is the start. Before I ask I have to make clear that I hardly know anything about the universe, my knowledge comes just from the Drizzt books, the Baldur Gates games, some playlogs I read and some readings of parts of the lore(mostly related to Demons and Devils), so sorry if my question is stupid. But for example the Drows, wouldn't they require a totally different starting scenario then all the other races? If not a totally different kind of gameplay? I wouldl ove to play a Drow male of female in their society with all the house vs. house fighting, the politics, the backstabbing etc. or will there only be good drows, since I heard in a discussion, that more and more Drows are having open contact to humans and other races.

The same for orcs, the last time I read about orcs they were stupid and evil, meaning that they can't interact with most of the other races, wouldn't that mean that you need almost a completely seperate game including quests etc. for them?

I just seems unlikely to me that someone can and would implement all that for just one race, when there are several others.


All in all the mod seems a bit big to me, all of Faerun is just too much in my opinion. If I were you I would start with perhaps a smaller village and then move up from there, one village, a small strip of land with one or two dungeons, another village, a bigger city etc. etc. That way you are more likely to finish, since a) you have positive feedback and b) are more likely to get some people interested that might add quests, houses, perhaps a dungeon or two to the world, perhaps not joining your team (although that would be better), but a dozen small mods/changed are bound to make your live easier. Just some tips, since I would love to see this mod succeed.

Edited by Roltak
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How many complete total conversions exist for Oblivion? I remember Dune, but it's still listed as unfinished. There's Nehrim, but have a quick peak at the team involved! But hey, if it's something you can handle, I'd definitely try out your mod ...unless Elder Scrolls VI is out by then. :confused:


Keep us posted!

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Heeey ! Merry Christmas to all ... I've been travelling here on Rio (Brazil). Sorry about the time away, I am really impressed about the so many replies we got here, people. Ok ... let get it started !


First of all, we must have in mind that this Total Conversion may only go on when CK is out, for now, we have to know all theories of DnD and post it to make it easy to know for us all. About the Climbing, you've say that its not a glitch but, there is no Perk or Skill saying that it is a real Climbing but without animation, so, this article cant be found on ES wiki, considering this a glicth. Second, if I would dev the whole Faêrun at once, this mod would only be complete in 2020 (being humble), so the solution to this little problem is, make the make by provincies, starting with Icewind Dale and its next villages like Luskan and Neverwinter, the next forest would be Lurkwood. That mean, no ALFA bro! ;)


Ok, now I need to apologize myself, nudefans wasn't my intention to make you guys angry, but who plays DnD certainly loves roleplay, not walk on the village with a semi-transparent cloth and say thats cool. I would say that is a Realistic Mod, but not necessary for a roleplay TC. By the way, that's my word about nude mods, that doesnt mean that I am a child (i'm 21, navy marine) and this game is going to be a sexless blood fest. Also, if you guys want to use a Nude Mod with Forgotten Realms TC, it will be on your own.


Yeah, the races. After studying even more Faêrun, I've see many variety of races, even for humans, divided by Ethnicities. Its almost the same for Elves, since we have Wild Elf, Moon Elf, Sun Elf, Wood Elf, Drow and also the Aquatic Elf, but use them all for characters creation would make too many difference in gameplay itself like, being a Aquatic Elf, you cant live out of the water too many time or you die, almost the same for a Drow player, since some clans who live in the deep have some aversion to the daylight, becoming very unconfortable come to surface and start his adventures. That will be needed many conversions from DnD to the live action roleplay system of Skyrim. I almost forgot, Drizzt will be an NPC and for now, its the only one with Good alignment, why? The history tell it all, the Drow is a Evil race of the deep darkness, but it doesnt mean that if you adventure yourself to their Citatel in the Underdark, they will attack you. Many conclusions must be done in this part of the mod.

Roltak, thanks for the tips !

ArtistDude05, your help will be very welcome, and you dont need to care about the time, we will have many tips to trim on this way.

Heey Auri, that's realy good to know (*_*) kidding. I'll probaly look for you with some advises about DnD, seen that I've studied many of DnD but played only once.


We haven't see too many TC's completed for Oblivion, thats true and I only knew that Nehrim. But, starting this with little things like a realy tiny piece of Faêrun, some races replacement and letting people say whats missing will be very useful. I realy believe in this project, I haven't too many time of my day but, I'll always post when I can.


The Noble of Evermeet, at your service.

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Guess not if we have in mind that we will not publish things that cannot be found on the Wizard Coast DnD forums and media sections of site, such has Elminster arts and some history too, also we have the already mentioned forgoten realms wiki. Freedom still untouchble =) Edited by ChacalIK
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I think it's also rather hard to sue if credit is given and no money is made off of the creation of whatever? I mean, if terms of service speak differently, it might not be legal, but since nobody's making money or taking credit, who the hell would have bothered with courts and costs of them? But I'm not going to argue - I don't know law very well.


As for the mod - it seems like a huge chunk of work, but I've seen huge and amazing mods being done before so I'm just gonna cross my fingers for you and await the news!

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Realy good to know that still exist people who love the real roleplay! And yes, the project isnt small taking part that I have 4th Edition Rules in mind but, there will be needed a lot of work to plan a system that mix both ... the gameplay of Elder Scrolls and the rules of D&D. I know that Dungeons and Dragons rules for fight for example, its kind complex to convert for a live action rpg game, but its the challenge that keep me so excited. By the way, EVERY kind of help will be welcome, ranging the D&D Masters who know every single information about the D20 system, until the scripters, modelers, texturers and so on. I'll be glad to have you on the team man!

Bye !


4th edition, eh? I thought you liked real roleplaying. 4th edition is possibly the worse D&D ever put out. It's not a coincidence that it happened after the creators death.


I do love the Forgotten Realms campaign setting... I always have. I even played Neverwinter Nights (the ORIGINAL MMO) on AOL back in it's day. Yeah... I'm that old. Look it up on wikipedia if you don't know what I'm talking about. That's back in the days of the Gold Box games.


I'd be interested in seeing a campaign set in the Forgotten Realms using the Skyrim engine. The sad thing is, it will never translate as well as the real roleplaying game (pen and paper), but it might be noble effort. Especially considering that others are working on a multiplayer mod and combining them would be fun, as you could have 4 buddies each have a character and go adventuring together.


The main issue I see is that combat doesn't scale very well in video games. Even in DDO (D&D Online), the combat is hugely munchkin. I'm not sure how you would scale that so that it's more faithful to true D&D... where wizards start off with 1d4 hit points and a sword does 1d8.


Still, I think it's a noble undertaking (despite the 4th edition madness), so I wish you luck... and if you manage to succeed, I will gladly enjoy the fruits of your labor.

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I think it's also rather hard to sue if credit is given and no money is made off of the creation of whatever? I mean, if terms of service speak differently, it might not be legal, but since nobody's making money or taking credit, who the hell would have bothered with courts and costs of them? But I'm not going to argue - I don't know law very well.


As for the mod - it seems like a huge chunk of work, but I've seen huge and amazing mods being done before so I'm just gonna cross my fingers for you and await the news!


Actually, it's quite easy to sue on the least little thing. And since Forgotten Realms and all places and characters are copyrighted, they could very easily sue you with their army of lawyers.


Will they? Probably not. Especially if they have the slightest bit of intelligence (most lawyers don't - just an overdeveloped greed gland that replaces the more humane parts of the brain).


But... considering they are working on a new D&D game (not called Neverwinter Nights 3), they make take exception.


Fan art / fan fiction has it's limits. And it's limits are pretty much whatever the original copyright holders say they are since technically, everything is a derivative work.


I would love to see it... I love Forgotten Realms... I love D&D... but don't expect that to hold up as an excuse in court.

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Hi - Long time mod user ( since morrowind ) never before posted on forums, saw this, had to post!


I have been playing D&D since the late 80s , AD&D 2nd edition my favourite for freedom and true roleplaying, I don't like the look of 4th edition AKA World of Boardcraft.


I was just discussing finally learning how to mod an Elder Scrolls game, because I feel like the Skyrim engine ( albeit still buggy ) has finally reached a point where in the next few years, you could see a HUGE potential for mods,even moreso than Oblivion or Morrowind ( and thats saying a lot ) and I was discussing just this - it seemed a perfect fit for Icewind Dale.


Obviously I know nothing of CREATING mods per se, but I have very vivid memories over the years, of seeing grand plans of total conversions spring up, die, spring up and die, again and again, my admittedly unknowledgable advice would be to minimize what you are attempting to do by working within what is already there.

Instead of trying to change so many mechanics of the game to fit a D20 system closer, focus on the setting, the story, the characters.


And as for the legal threats, they have happened before with other mods, they have been shot down before they truly started, by owners of other IP rights, but then again, other IP owners have kinda given it the go ahead , it's always worth firing off an email to WOTC to ask them what their policy would be on a non-profit mod,

But seeing as WOTC are still in the market for licensing their setting for computer games, they may be inclined to protect it more than just a book author would.


I will be watching this intently , because seeing Icewind Dale / perhaps Drizzt in Skyrim would be mind = blown, I consider myself pretty good at world building and Dungeon Mastering / writing quests/ storylines, so if this goes anywhere and you need something of that ilk, I would be glad to help. ( hopefully soon the other aspects of modding will be learned too )

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I think it's also rather hard to sue if credit is given and no money is made off of the creation of whatever? I mean, if terms of service speak differently, it might not be legal, but since nobody's making money or taking credit, who the hell would have bothered with courts and costs of them? But I'm not going to argue - I don't know law very well.


As for the mod - it seems like a huge chunk of work, but I've seen huge and amazing mods being done before so I'm just gonna cross my fingers for you and await the news!


Actually, it's quite easy to sue on the least little thing. And since Forgotten Realms and all places and characters are copyrighted, they could very easily sue you with their army of lawyers.


Will they? Probably not. Especially if they have the slightest bit of intelligence (most lawyers don't - just an overdeveloped greed gland that replaces the more humane parts of the brain).


But... considering they are working on a new D&D game (not called Neverwinter Nights 3), they make take exception.


Fan art / fan fiction has it's limits. And it's limits are pretty much whatever the original copyright holders say they are since technically, everything is a derivative work.


I would love to see it... I love Forgotten Realms... I love D&D... but don't expect that to hold up as an excuse in court.


I agree. Cryptic's Neverwinter is absolutely terrible so don't expect lawyers to go easy on anyone who can do better.


Good luck though. I love D&D, though I've not read any of the rules books.

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