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[WIP] D&D - Forgotten Realms (Total Conversion)


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ill be watching... like some creepy big brother government program

would love for this to be made as i love D&D have been playing for yrs and own pretty much every faerun 3.5 and 3rd edition books, also a tonne of faerun novels so if this gets done ill be in love i hope it goes well once the CS is released

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YES! finally someone who wants real "role-playing", I love the concept of lawful good chaotic evil and neutral. Having played the "backside" out of NWN2 and expansions/modules. I agree with mostly all of your ideas except one: A "sexless bloodfest"...Why not include romance, possible "close relationships" with companions something along the lines of the Dragon Age Origins concept...it added so much more to the "immersion factor" with side conversations between companions----and someone correct me if i'm wrong-- would attract a much wider interest-- "sex sells". And no i'm not into parading through town naked but do like "nice looking armor" EG: the armor that vampires wear in NWN2. And just having "hack & slash" ...well it can get somewhat boring - am not forgetting your mention of dialogue choices & relations that could prevent said "battles".


Having said that, what you're proposing is a f***ing IMMENSELY HUGE undertaking...but can also see that it would necessitate a total conversion.


Also have a somewhat limited ability using photoshop would like to assist where possible EG: armor/weapon design ideas that could be given to mesh&texture able modders to implement.


And have never done voice acting ...but am willing to give that go if it assisted you.


I wish you all the luck that could possibly be bestowed upon this project...You're gonna need it. tc.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As a long time D&D player - from the late 1970s blue box set. :thumbsup: to v3. Preferred AD&D v2 though. I would like to see this succeed. However. Wizards of the Coast is very protective of their copyrights.


In order to avoid doing several years work for nothing, I recommend getting something in writing from WOTC BEFORE spending too much time on this. The reason it needs to be in writing and not an email is that executives change at companies, and the new CEO or head lawyer may not go along with something his predecessor agreed to. But if you have a document in hand, you are protected from the whims of the new management - or the forgetfulness of the old. :rolleyes:


A lawyer once told me a verbal agreement is not worth the paper it's not printed on. :whistling:


Besides, without some documented approval we will not allow it to be uploaded on the Nexus.


Note: I still have my original beat up and battered blue box. It's probably older than most of you reading this. :biggrin:

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  • 1 month later...

This sounds terrific! I like the DnD experience much more than the Bethesda experience, so I'd happily check this out if even just the magic system was in place. As others have, I would say that this is a massive undertaking, so I'd suggest picking some things that would bring the most DnD for the work and doing those first (like the magic and attribute / ability / feat systems, for example).


I would also mention that a full character creation system might be the last thing on the table, as Skyrim's "become any kind of character you want" combined with DnD's attributes / abilities / feats might create a VERY interesting gameplay experience :)


Oh and I completely support your "brains above the belt" policy. It's a very bad trend that marketers have been hammering the sex button to sell us things for so long that some people can't even play a video game without having their crotch involved in some way :(

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  • 4 weeks later...
you still working on it? id love to send you some ideas and maybe help a little bit. ive never modded anything before i just started learning the creation kit software, its not too hard, but i dont have the patience to do the big stuff but seeing how caverns and such are much easier then above ground i could help you build mithril hall.
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  • 4 weeks later...
are you still working on this project? id love to help with the story writing. im hoping you didnt give up yet just make sure u talk to wizards of the coast first. if we get enough people together and convince them it wont be crap we might have a fighting chance. not to mention i got a buddy whos amazing with software. hasnt learned the skyrim modding software yet but he'd have no problem with it. i began to learn it but had no real intention of making a mod just yet, although i had talked to my buddies about doing exactly what your planning. if we can get enough of us together with the determination that we have we can do this.
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