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Beth prepped Modders for Success


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I always update my personal list of mods. Literally every day, going through the nexus and seeing whats out there. Here is the list as it stands. I will post it per 'type' then give a spoiler (to save space) of a recommended load order (that I would welcome Nexonians to critique and give better orders!).


Appearance: Seldom are the times where any of us play Beth games using vanilla textures. Here are the mods I use, for their textures; together.


* I understand there is a new version of this mod, however I have yet to see a reason to transition over. That is why the latest version of the older mod is still activated.



Armor/Weapon/Item Additions: Seeing how talented and creative people are in their mods are half the reason I download them. That, and the use of more items in-game.



* This could also be in the 'Appearance' list, however I believe it adds more items, then it does textures. The texture selections it gives for the Dark Brotherhood however, are gorgeous.



House Mods: I love reviewing all the different homes that modders come up with. I also plan on creating my own home (too far ahead in time to give any details yet).


Dovahkiin Hideout *

Dragon Falls Manor

The Reserve **


* At the moment this house is no longer being updated. There are several reasons for this, but the last thing I was told (by Shawk) was that he wasnt happy with the Hideout. He wants to completely recreate it. I am all for this, if he so chooses. I liked the hideout as it was. If he isnt happy however, its his work. Im just grateful he shared with us!


** I can't use this house. I'm not sure why, but I get an immediate CTD while this file is activated. I have used it successfully on my wifes laptop. Beautiful house!



Gameplay Additions/Overhauls/Tweaks; Bug Fixes and Work-Arounds; Additional items or enhancing the immersion: This can include anything from Armor Fixes to Werewolf overhauls.




My Load Order: *






* I removed The Reserve and Dovahkiin Hideout; if they dont know up here, it's because they dont have those file types!






To tag along a bit with the Scrap Weapon Smithing (along with another thread I read about this)...

I'm wondering where the 'Flesh and Bone' armor/weapon crafting is. You have an enormous amount of bones in the game (along with skulls of various types). Flesh bits, chunks, all of it.

So here is what I was thinking: Two types of perk trees can be identified with this - Necronic Foreman(for non-magic users) and Necrologically Aligned (for magic based users). I have to work on the perk trees a little more, but you can start to gather where Im going with this.



Hand made scrolls-

rolled paper + charcoal + soulgem + a 'salt' of some kind = ???



Sounds simple enough right? At one point, you make a rubbing of a slab of text using the rolled paper and charcoal, so I'm not quite sure why scrolls aren't able to be created.


Hand made books-

[insert adjective] book + quill + soulgem + plant/root/mushroom [plant based items for use in creating 'ink'] + inkwell = ???



Obviously these would take a little (or a lot) more Arcane Knowledge (?) to place the amount of power and energy into the tome... but still. The pieces are all there...

Mods that offer equivalent:

Tytanis - The Ultimate Mod



Hand made weapons-

broken [insert weapon type] + [insert noun] ingot + leather strips + [random piece: dwemer, falmer, mammoth tusks (idk)] = ???



The meshes all exist (including the broken pieces). Mammoth tusks? Affix three together: Mammoth War Hammer. Named version you say? Giant Beater.


Those then beg the addition of two new skills:


Arcane Knowledge

Perks can be related to the enchanting/alchemy perks (to include a 'secret perk' with some lore relation to the Synod/Psijic).


Scrap Weapon Smithing

Perks can be related to Smithing/Pickpocket/One-Two hand (to include a 'secret perk' with some lore relation to the Bandit/Forsworn/Imperial/Stormcloak).



There are a lot of ideas out there. I am by no means suggesting the ones I have presented are better than anyone else's, nor do I think I am the first one to think of them.

Edited by amullinix
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With each new title they release, they incorporate some of the most popular ideas from modders (horses, necessities (hardcore for F3), NPC schedules and locked houses, etc.), and always have contents that modders can use to make more awesome mods. Before Oblivion was released, they bragged about having "over nine thousand useless items in game" in an interview.... and you know modders were going "oh yeah"...
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I'm sorry, but I seriously flipped my s*** when I saw the ability to mine, smith, chop wood, and even grow plants; Simply because I'm waiting for a mod like RTS for Fallout 3. Seriously, all the opportunities to make your followers/companions/minions DO something useful, and found an empire!


Just all the animations that could be used for a fledgeling necromancer's army in progress. Having Skeleton workers mine tirelessly for iron and steel to make weapons for your undead servants.


Or maybe a master conjurer with a group of Daedra slaves, chopping down forests to fuel their war machine!


It just- AUGH!

Edited by IxionInc
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Funny... all of those great new features you mentioned were first brought to you by modders. Maybe you should change the thread name to "Modders prepped Beth for success". :)

Give it about a month after the CK is released and we will have all sorts of awesome, in depth mods.

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With each new title they release, they incorporate some of the most popular ideas from modders (horses, necessities (hardcore for F3), NPC schedules and locked houses, etc.), and always have contents that modders can use to make more awesome mods. Before Oblivion was released, they bragged about having "over nine thousand useless items in game" in an interview.... and you know modders were going "oh yeah"...


Even I said that, and I have little CK experience after Morrowind. I honestly think Beth made all those items so that modders don't have to spend time making new meshes from scratch (hence the title). I'll start working the 'Nexus Mod' if I have to, haha. Learn the CK along the way... Could be fun.

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