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Can you set a function into a float variable?


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Here is My script



Scriptname DwemerDestructionScaling extends activemagiceffect
Event OnEffectStart (Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)
If akTarget == game.getPlayer()
float Damage = 50*((game.getPlayer().getAV("Destruction"))/20)
float Current = game.getplayer().ForceActorValue("DestructionPowerMod", Damage)
float Goal = Current-Damage
game.getplayer().ForceActorValue("DestructionPowerMod", Goal)
Here are the errors:
Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...
Compiling "DwemerDestructionScaling"...
D:\Games\steamapps\common\skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source\temp\DwemerDestructionScaling.psc(11,10): type mismatch while assigning to a float (cast missing or types unrelated)
No output generated for DwemerDestructionScaling, compilation failed.
Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
Failed on DwemerDestructionScaling
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ForceActorValue does not return a float. Therefore you cannot assign it to a variable. If the function returned a float, then yes you could do that.


You might want to try:

Scriptname DwemerDestructionScaling extends activemagiceffect  
Event OnEffectStart (Actor akTarget,  Actor akCaster)
	If akTarget == game.getPlayer()
		float Damage = 50*((akTarget.getAV("Destruction"))/20)
		akTarget.ForceActorValue("DestructionPowerMod", Damage)
		float Current = akTarget.GetActorValue("DestructionPowerMod")
		float Goal = Current-Damage
		akTarget.ForceActorValue("DestructionPowerMod", Goal)

Since you have already compared akTarget to Game.GetPlayer() there is no point in continuing to use Game.GetPlayer(). You can make it more thread safe and faster by simply using akTarget instead.


You are suspending the script for 960 seconds? That is a lot of time, why not make the effect have a duration of 960 seconds instead. Then you can use the OnEffectFinish event to do the final actor value adjustment.

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