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FF13 Lightning


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Damn, the chinese/japanese is quite good at.. well, anything related to computers.

This looks like it is right out of the game itself.

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Damn, the chinese/japanese is quite good at.. well, anything related to computers.

This looks like it is right out of the game itself.


its a rip, 99% of chinese mods are rips. so i wouldnt call them good modders since nothing is original


rip = taking content from other games.





We do not tolerate offensive sweeping generalities like this, here. It's untrue and only shows your ignorance. Strike assessed for flaming. -myrmaad

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Damn, the chinese/japanese is quite good at.. well, anything related to computers.

This looks like it is right out of the game itself.


its a rip, 99% of chinese mods are rips. so i wouldnt call them good modders since nothing is original


rip = taking content from other games.


dude, u are a bit rush on this part, there are hell lots of great mods out there made by chinese modders, u just don't know it yet, why am i saying this? 'cos i'm a native chinese, I know thing much better than u do.

ps: of this lightening thingy, i aint sure who the hell the orignal modder comes from, but i may contact this chinese modder for more info , if ,of course ,there are lots of ppl asking for it,as i'm saying, i am not interested in this stuff as it does not fit the lore of Skyrim and i certainly will not use it.

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very much real as the others have said... and very offensive saying chineese and japanese are most rips. (minus japanese as you didn't say that)


The asian community have very talented modders' It's a Shame that most don't share with the rest and so hell bound on the anti-west community... As they sure grab our creations with ease!


Now if you complained about that, I would agree with you!

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