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improved lethal traps


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Something that has always bothered me about Skyrim is the piddly traps. After the first several levels, many verge on 'harmless'. I have been looking for some trap improvement mods to remedy this.


Different mods do this in different ways. Some change the damage inflicted, some change the physics, add poisons and diseases contracted when stabbed by them, one causes a visible shaking of the PC.


Another changes the way that soul gem casting traps can be disabled (throwing objects or arrows), while another allows the PC to swap objects on pedestal traps (ala Indiana Jones), one enables coin bags to actually trigger the traps when removed (apparently this was overlooked by the authors of the game).


And which of these are compatible? I don't want to install a mess of small mods to get the range of effects that might be available.


Any suggestions the community might have I would appreciate.

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Well i was looking for this type of mod. I dont like it when i get hit by and axe and dont take any damage. Try the one thats sounds best for you. If it works use it if it doesnt switch. I dont suggest installing a lot of mods mid game (or uninstalling).

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