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Does anyone know how to get follower mods with RM-exported head sculpt to work in SE?


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Topic tells the story. The general plan for now is to get NifMerge to work (it's pretty much the only sensible option for someone who knows nothing about modeling). To do that, I must first get SE's facegeom readable.

Googled relevant stuff, but none of those work. I couldn't find the SE-CK-generated facegeom's NiTriShape nor BSDynamicTriShape in Nifskope.

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The meshes are backward compatible, but Nifmerge likes to strip the "Has Tangents" flag when you do the merge on things like eyes, hair, brows, etc (heads don't need that setting). So you get invisible meshes in SSE, where they would display in OldRim. Just go back in and check the box and they work fine.

Edited by triptherift
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