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Railroad Mod


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OK I think I may have a workable method for a locomotive. I'll try to make a little demo over the weekend if I get time.

How cool and exciting. Did you opt to go with the train as an NPC or something more like XRE?

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Cool I look forward to seeing it that is if you get the time.

I think it could really add to the wasteland theme/atmosphere.


How cool and exciting. Did you opt to go with the train as an NPC or something more like XRE?

Hey brother, I'v been following your creature creation thread, some good info that you'v dug up.....much appreciated. Definitely going with the creature/actor. It avoids putting a heavy load on the cpu for older machines. And frankly after reading somewhere in XRE's description that he had to divide up his code into two scripts, because you could only fit 65k lines (or something insane) it pretty much scared off a non-scripting guy like me.


Essentially it's just adding a mesh and it's collision mesh to a scene root of a critter and letting it wander along a path. Similar to this below;







Except with a few tweaks (remove the creature/actor via 0 alpha, or setscale 0, add a faction like raven that everything ignores, unaggresive AI etc) to make the brahmin disappear. Adding the train/cart/wagon to the scene root instead of a bone avoids the undesirable movement you get from teh actor animation, like below;







There is still problems if the actor turns (the whole scene rotates), but I think that can be kept to a minimum. In fact I was thinking of creating a new creature directory and excluding any KF's that don't work well with the train. Not sure if I'll stick with the brahmin or switch to an eyebot, guess I'll ahve to experiment a bit.


EDIT: oops fubar'd the media tag

Edited by devinpatterson
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Thanks for the kind words, but I know my work is pretty rudimentary by comparison. Just figuring out some pretty basic stuff really. I do wish there were a better SDK though.


Your work around sounds excellent. It is simple (comparatively). The re-use of existing stuff means it is unlikely to suffer from the stability issues something like XRE has.

Once this is released the Nexus file servers are going to groan.

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  • 1 year later...

Well looks like we have a railroad mod up and running. Perhaps some ideas from this discussion could be implemented? I've spoken with the mod developer and he's not interested in continued development of the mod at this time. Which is understandable because all the challenges mentioned in here would be enough to wipe many of us out.


Perhaps a kind request letter to addon to the mod could be written. As for the rest of ideas. Most of the Mojave has a train station. Perhaps one could simply use the GECK interior for a train station and move on or just make one interior and use it for all train stations.


Quest could be done to tame the wasteland with the Steel Horse. Perhaps one could become a baron, spend tons of caps, get tons of caps, and maybe fight off caravan companies or make deals with them. I'm sure the caravan companies wouldn't like something like a railroad taking their business over.


Places I noticed connected by rail so far


Nipton (and with Jokerine's mod in mind a patch could be made)

Nelis AFB

Outer New Vegas

There's one between Primm and Goodsprings I think


Some towns are bypassed others are within walking distance.

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Here's the link in case you missed it. It's basically everything we were talking about minus just connecting them to other various places of the Mojave.


I still think it would be neat to own your railroad, fight off caravans. If you think about it caravans would look at the Iron Brahmin (Iron Horse get it? ... bad joke okay) as a threat to their business. Then raiders and stuff.

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