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what race


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I personally have foun that your traditional Sword and Board with heavy armor is pretty much the easiest way to play the game, especially when used in tandem with enchanting and smithing. Good balance between damage and survivability. For after-battle recovery, I would suggest Restoration or Alchemy.
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Skyrim offers better flexibility for the races than previous Elder Scrolls games. You can play any race you want and by lvl 10 or so (which can come very quickly) you will have made up any of the differences in certain skills for the various races. For example, Imperials start with +10 Restoration, but if you choose a race that has +5 Restoration it won't take you long at all to get the extra 5 points... or even all 10 of them if you choose a race without any initial bonuses to Restoration.


To summarize, it really doesn't matter what race you choose. Go for the race that you like the best based on it's looks or the history of the race. The only factor that has any real importance is what racial skill(s) each race may have. Most of these skills can only be used once a day and while they are cool and occasionally very useful, you will find that over time you won't really need them or even think about them. ;)

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Orcs are ideal warriors, altmers - mages, kajits - assassins. Playing a warrior is the easiest, since you simply need to charge forward and engage, playing mage is most difficult - you would have to watch out for mana. Also, it's advisable to join your guild as fast as possible, since they provide some very serious benefits. Edited by TimF
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