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Has anyone noticed problems getting out of Jorrvaskr in White run ? my screen goes weird upon trying to exit... possibly just me ?


I came out of my house and fast traveled out of Whiterun without issue but not the Jorrvaskr

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Thanks Lisnpuppy, will try logging in soon, I am all too familiar with having the game not able to fire up for half a day from waiting on NVSE updates in the past.


As far as the patch notes... looks like it is only 4gb LAA, and nothing else changed? Those are the same patch notes otherwise from the previous patch, and they did not change from 1.3.

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Yay for the 4GB patch! Haven't played long enough to test the crashing problem properly, but I have noticed that my system isn't revving quite as loud. *fingers crossed* Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Has anyone noticed problems getting out of Jorrvaskr in White run ? my screen goes weird upon trying to exit... possibly just me ?


I came out of my house and fast traveled out of Whiterun without issue but not the Jorrvaskr


Yes I can get to Whiterun fine but on entering and then trying to leave Jorrvaskr it all goes wrong.. did think it was my new today graphic drivers ( ATI ) but rolled those back and still getting the problem... very strange..

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