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Alternate Death/New-U Station


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I've been begging for this since the game's release and I'm rather disappointed that it hasn't come out yet. I'd be more than willing to pay a modder to make this. I'd really like to see a good alternate death mod in the game. As it stands right now there is virtually no consequence for dying. I looked at the New-U Station mod (which now the only way to get it is to get Tina's Cookipocalypse) but I really hate the fact that it knocks your damage output each time you die. I think paying caps, and having to go track your crap back down should be punishment enough.


If someone can make a good alternate death mod like we've seen in Skyrim and Fallout: New Vegas I'd be very grateful.


Here's to hoping.

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I have an idea for a mod, but I can't make it myself.


Basically a more integrated Death Alternative, with the outcome varying based on faction relations, nearby settlements and other stuff.


Shitty story board (apologies in advance for phone induced typos)


1. You hit a health threshold and 'die'. Screen goes back.


2. You are teleported to either a nearby area (locations defined in mod) or a small cell with generic looking surroundings. Your view (forced first person) is limited as you are probably on the ground, so you can't actually see it's a tiny cell. (Cell usage enables shorter loading times and helps avoid various real-world shenanigans).


3. In this cell a little scripted scene plays in which your barely conscious character sees whoever has found them.


4. Fade to black.


5. Wake up in wherever you end up.



Where you end up depends on where you are near. Having well manned settlements nearby increases the chance they find you. Being high ranked in any of the factions increases the chance they find you. Using a settlement to have a hospital (I'm thinking unlockable little cell with an entrance in the settlement, rather than edit the settlement. Also good for stability and loading times) reduces the penalty.

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