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Marriage/kids mod request/idea


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I was playing skyrim when I had a thought about marriage in skyrim...it seems like all it is good for to get extra coin every now and again...well, I think I have an idea that may change that.


I was thinking of maybe having a mod that will let you ask your spouse about adopting a child instead of having one, because there are so many lonely children in the world (mainly in riften)... Also, to give it that customized feel, you get to edit what your kid looks like, you could also have extra quests thrown in (like tag, that's fun) like take your child to the market for some food to bring home, or kid wants to visit somebody in (another town/village) will you take me mom/dad? Those random little things to make seem like a family... Also, a fun little part you could add, is a failure part, if you are supposed to protect your kid, and you fail, and the kid dies, that your spouse will completely leave and divorce you, allowing you to actually get married again...


I want some feedback, what does everyone think?

Edited by bayjell654
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To be honest I think it'd be more realistic to adopt a kid from the orphanage in Riften, don't you?


I mean, sure, in 9 years you'll have a 9 year old kid, but everyone else should be 9 years older. Alvor's gonna have to have a tad more wrinkles, those kids in Solitude are gonna be 18 instead of 9.


I'm not against this mod being made, I just think that's a better alternative.

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