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is it me or does skyrim suck big time


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But is anyone force feeding you threads you don't like?


I got nothing against people not liking Skyrim. I like seing things from different sides.

However, trying to push nostalgia into it does not help. If somebody wants Morrowind, why not play the game? This is Skyrim, not Morrowind or Oblivion.

If people crap on logic, why can't I crap the logic back at them?

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But is anyone force feeding you threads you don't like?


I got nothing against people not liking Skyrim. I like seing things from different sides.

However, trying to push nostalgia into it does not help. If somebody wants Morrowind, why not play the game? This is Skyrim, not Morrowind or Oblivion.

If people crap on logic, why can't I crap the logic back at them?



you most certainly can XD thats the purpose of general forums o.O

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not just you, if skyrim couldn't be modded...it would die rather fast. i play a lot (and even stick with a few) mmo's. for complexity, and depth more than a few easily outshine skyrim. true skyrim has a vast world...but there isn't much in it. perhaps i've become somewhat spoiled, multitude of different mobs to fight, different strategies to employ, an intelligent or at least semi-intelligent AI in almost all mmo's. might not be fair to compare a standalone rpg to a mmorpg...but you would think the standalone would be better in all respects.


bethesda...resting on their laurels? relying on PR/hype to sell games? relying on modders to make skyrim a long term retail seller? are they just burnt out? only listening to the diehard bethesda can do no wrong fans? don't know. do know since skyrims release...i've spent more time up to this point playing vindictus, ddo, dcuo, and fw than i have skyrim. i try to believe the poeple that say it's so great, i d/l mods and add them...but every npc says the same thing, no one recognizes you for anything unless you're a criminal, you don't change anything, more bandits, forsworn, vampires and random necros than people in the cities...and the bugs, glitches, physics, just got harder to ignore.


it was great at first...when everything was new...got old fast though. it just screams laziness, retextured/rescaled animals, over-used humanoid models, they're everywhere. the aforementioned bandits, forsworn, necros and vampires oh my. good example of the laziness...they could reuse the skeleton and animations. dragons? nifty at first...until you realize they're as dumb as every other enemy, always follow the same pattern. snow? thought hat would be cool...no footprints and it falls through everything, besides it's abrupt starts and stops changing a few feet in elevation.


maybe i ought to make a topic and just finally list everything that's universal, related to the game engine, animation, physics and scripting. nothing that has to do with individual pc's like ctds, lockups or poor fps. that could be considered a troll topic i suppose, though how you troll with facts is beyond me. ah yes...truths no one wants to hear. :whistling:


tbh mainly here checking for mods and waiting for dcuo servers to come back up ^_^


wouldn't it be super if they tough of making snow accumulate on your clothes/armor while you spend time out in the snowing parts... when i got the game i went to a snowy part and zoomed out in 3rd person and waited for snow to show on my hero... needless to say i was disappointed lol

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so you played 260 hours of a game you didnt like? sheesh i am not sure i would want to have sex for 260 hours and i really like doing that. even though they all have the same parts and the npc's look the same with not much dialog and the quest lines are all the same.


so basically if you do the math you paid .25 cents an hour to play. was it worth that to you? if so then they did their job.

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wouldn't it be super if they tough of making snow accumulate on your clothes/armor while you spend time out in the snowing parts... when i got the game i went to a snowy part and zoomed out in 3rd person and waited for snow to show on my hero... needless to say i was disappointed lol


That would have required attention to detail, not something Bethesda excel at.

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an intelligent or at least semi-intelligent AI in almost all mmo's

Ahaha....wait.. you are serious? They got the same AI as Skyrim got: Run to target, follow the closest path, no jumping. No AI there.


but you would think the standalone would be better in all respects.

Depends. Most MMO dies out rather fast. The only going strong is out very own, but also dying, World of Warcraft. These guys got multi trillions. Bethesda doesn't got enough money to do what they want, not int he timeframe they get.


I agree with you that Skyrim gets boring fast. I just struggle to see the comparison to MMOs -- Most MMOs dies out because they are just bad, and the ones still active swim in money.



im going to have to argue with you on this one ... im a lover of pets in games, if there is an option for a summon i get it or play the class with that option in every single game i get and the pathing in skyrim reminds me of the baldurs gate days. i mean in wow ( world of warcraft very bad game i dont recommend that carebear game to anyone) i had a hunter and warlock and deathknight and never NEVER did i turn around and my minion was missing. yo i took a flying mount ( quest special bypasses pet dismiss of the normal mounts) and flew over a mountain to find my pet waiting for me when i landed right were i was precisely below me


you know what i had a situation in skyrim where there was a troll across the river and i had a dremora summond on my side and it was the funniest s*** ever in my life, i should have made a video. yo the troll was just jumping where he was standing and moving back and forth from his cave to the left side where the mountain connected ( kinda hard to explain) and my dremora was trying to go back and around a mountain we ( ok I ) had just passed to get to the troll ... ( yeah thats right he got lost crossing the mountain i came face on with a troll across the river, summon a dremora and start loling for a solid 15 minutes then i say to myself f*** this im making a rogue/vampire )

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did i turn around and my minion was missing

In MMOs pets teleport to you after X distance. That would be odd, and unrealistic - which is a goal in single player games. Got very little to do with AI. AI is how a NPC/Pet will attack the target. How do they attack? They take the fastest route. This means you can jump up a rock, jump down a rock, jump up a rock, etc, etc. A good AI would jump up with you, and outflank you. Only short single player games got that feature.


The AI is terrible in both every MMO, and TES games. THough, you do not play TES games for good AI. Then you play stuff as GoW.

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wouldn't it be super if they tough of making snow accumulate on your clothes/armor while you spend time out in the snowing parts... when i got the game i went to a snowy part and zoomed out in 3rd person and waited for snow to show on my hero... needless to say i was disappointed lol


That would have required attention to detail, not something Bethesda excel at.

I remember someone mentioning the macro and micro detail..oh wait that was Todd Howard...nvm. :laugh:

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I tend to agree that people who are expecting spectacular AI are barking up the wrong tree. In FPS games, which have the pinacle of AI, Each level is designed with particular points of interactivity which allows a computer to 'mimic' players by activating that interactivity when within a certian area. Its all to common to see guys jump over a wall because their X meters away, and get shot off the top when it would ahve been smarter to hide behind the dunpster. Their jsut as stupid as any other game, but have more situational varriables which give the impression of intelegence.


MMO NPC's are among the stuidest of the bunch. Most cases, you can't even get them to automatically switch weapons when an enemy gets too close.


Even with RTS games, the AI is absurdly predictable. Fast, but predictable.


So complaining about poor AI is like complaining about bright sun.

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