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Actually show what you are crafting!


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So I'm not sure if this has actually been made or not (maybe I'm not looking for the right thing), but I would LOVE to have a mod where you can actually see the item itself of what you're crafting, rather than the green wireframe. It would be nice to see what an armor, clothing, or weapon would actually look like before crafting. So many of those wireframes don't actually show the item itself at all, just a generic icon.


Edited by Eskimoprime3
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It's up to the clothing makers to include that image in their mods.


...I don't remember, is it the "real world image" or something like that?


But for vanilla ones (or just not the normal interface color remaking it into "wireframe" as you call it)...? Hmm, that is an interesting question.


Edit: I *think* I did it by accident once, on a vanilla unscrap'able item I was making scrap'able. Who knows what I did though, as it really was completly by accident. =P

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