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Meshes refuse to show up ingame

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I'm having this fairly annoying issue which is extremely holding back all my future progress on mods. I'm talking about meshes which simply refuse to show up ingame. The biggest troublemakers are meshes which are not a part of outfits. Meshes like headgear, weapons or static clutter, which despite being properly bone weighted and placed at the correct position, never turn visible ingame. I managed to make headpieces out of existing clothing pieces, but I never managed to make a headpiece into anything else. It refuses to show up anywhere else instead its original position.


Can anyone offer some advice on what's wrong here ? I'm using Outfit Studio for everything regarding meshes. I checked the meshes ten times from line to line, being completely identical to the other mesh which does show up and I just can't get any luck in this.


The mesh in particular that I'm talking about is the Synth Helmet which I edited and I want it to take headwear/mouth slot. But the damn thing never shows up. I even placed it on another mesh that does show up ingame and still nothing. I simply can't get any luck with meshes that occupy the HEAD part, no matter what I do. Same thing with weapon apparel.



Edited by crimsomrider
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are you changing the slots in both the armor and armor addon? I think if you have discrepancies between the two, it won't show up at all.


edit: ok, that may not be the case, because the slots for preston's hat are different between the armor and armor addon entres, so maybe I'm totally wrong.

Edited by joemitchell320
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are you changing the slots in both the armor and armor addon? I think if you have discrepancies between the two, it won't show up at all.


edit: ok, that may not be the case, because the slots for preston's hat are different between the armor and armor addon entres, so maybe I'm totally wrong.


Everything is fine with slots. As I said, I have no trouble making headpieces out of meshes which are outfit meshes, but when I try to make a headpiece occupy any other slot except the original one, that's when I no longer can see the mesh. I even placed this mask onto another headpiece mesh (which I personally made from an outfit and shows in the game), but the mask itself won't show up.

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Ah, gotcha. Can you tell if it's there and invisible, or is it just not in game at all?


What happens if you weight it all to a single bone?


I'm not sure if it will help at all, but is the 2-sided flag in the material file checked? Another oddball thing to try may be to open it up in bodyslide and move it about 120 units up (floating way over where the head would be) to see if it's possibly a bizarre positioning thing, maybe even scale it up to absurd size. I had trouble with that working on a helm for super mutant redux, eventually just trashed that nif and started over and it worked, not sure wtf was up with that.


Apologies if I'm completely useless, besides being an air head I'm currently heavily medicated for migraines

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Sorry, been away for a while to roll back to 1.22 update until F4SE comes out.


About the BSConnectPoint, the mesh in the picture is one of 10000 I tried to make so they show up. Originally I don't have that in the mesh, but I just figured I'll try whatever I can at this point.


About the bone weights, the mesh has only 1 bone and that is HEAD. Fully painted and when viewed in the Creation Kit, the mesh is there along with the other head mesh that I attached this mask on. The positioning is correct as well because the tiara (which I made myself) is showing, but the mask is not.


I also checked above and below my character to see if the mask is floating somewhere, but nope. It is just invisible.


This is not the first mesh giving me this headache, basically every mesh that originally comes as a HELMET/HAT or anything like that, simply refuses to show.



The mesh will only show up if I make it take the HAIR LONG/HAIR TOP slots. But I want it to take the mouth/headwrap slot instead, but then it doesn't show. The tiara does show, but the mask does not.


I also checked the material. Originally two-sided was not turned on, but even turning it on didn't make a difference.

Edited by crimsomrider
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Well, I'm stumped, but that's not terribly difficult these days, heh. I'm out of ideas ;( Almost all of my mesh work til now has been for editing/tweaking body armor, weapons, or super mutant stuff. I don't think I've ventured beyond the arm/leg/body/head slots as far as armor goes, so I am not sure what kind of tinkering goes in to making all of the other sub-slots play nice with one another.


If I find anything that might help, I'll toss it here. If you figure out a working method/fix, I would be love you long time if you put it here. One less headache I may have in the future, haha.

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