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Skyrim is crap


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I wouldn't say Skyrim is crap, I've had plenty of fun playing it and I still haven't stopped. But yeah, I'm a bit disappointed by the quests, dialogue choices and general immersion as well. In terms of appearance this is one of the best games I've seen. The combat and leveling system, although streamlined or simplified, I can live with. What bothers me is that the quest portion of the game seems so half finished. I started a character (the typical nord warrior) and went through the main quest attempting to role-play but found I didn't have that many options. When I defeated Alduin I figured I'd get some recognition from the Jarl of Whiterun, the Stormcloaks and the Imperials, but no, no one even seemed to notice I just saved the world. Except for some Dark Elf bard who sang a song about it. When I approach important NPCs there's no new dialogue options based on what just happened. The dragons kept attacking at an even higher rate than before. What exactly was the point of what I just did? Then I joined the Imperials in the civil war because of the Thalmor being a bigger threat etc., but after the war was over nothing changed. People still talked as if Ulfric was alive. A week after the battle his body was still lying in the throne room while people were having dinner at the table. I thought his head was supposed to decorate a spike in the Imperial City as the general said... Yet nobody seems to recognise the war is over. Maybe they're all in denial or something. At least I had hoped the end of the MQ would reward me some more. Make me Jarl or High King, hell, I should be Emperor. At least give me a free house or a good horse or something. But alas, I'm just loafing around killing bandits.


Even though we shouldn't have to rely on DLCs, I'm hoping for a Broken Steel 2.0 as well, which makes the quests seem consequential somehow.

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I am gonna speak out what many people think; Skyrim is a beefed up (and sometimes even toned down) Oblivion.


Not that this would be a bad thing...Not at all but if you get back in time a little and look at what Bethesda had claimed Skyrim to be, than you will understand why some People had the "urge" to complain.


The Radiant Quest Engine just as an example, was advertised as a huuuuge new Feature, which according to what was said about it, had potential to revolutionize Gaming alltogether. Today when you play the game, you are asking yourselves what the heck is so "Radiant" about it.


Skyrim is not a bad game by any means but its not what it claimed to be.

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Most of the immersion breaking complaints I read about are things that don't bother me too much. I liked the Reputation you had with the many factions in New Vegas but the world itself bored the s*** out of me. I had no desire to explore that place. It's mostly empty, ugly, and nothing like the fun of exploring Oblivion or Skyrim. Almost every immersion breaking complaint I've heard about Skyrim was also present in Oblivion. In short, while it's nice to have NPC's say different things to you in the game, it doesn't break my heart if I don't get it. With a game like Skyrim, I'm more interested in how the world feels. In my experience, it's wiser not to expect grand things from NPC's. They always let you down.
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I'm more interested in how the world feels.


In short - empty.


Well, that's different tastes for you. And it was that way with every Elder Scroll game. I'm still buying them because of the modding possibilities and of course the modders. Otherwise I wouldn't have bothered.

Edited by abaris
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You have to know that EVERYTHING made in Capitalsm is uterly crap!(Cars, Comps, Consoles...get a picture) Why? Because you will must buy another new thing soon! :) and make profit for "Bigbutts"...everytime again. Their interest is to make machine going...and going...


So you can play for a wile and then buy another NEW SHINY PRODUCT for another 60 $ with 50% of a Moders ideas in it. Astutely isn't it? :)

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I play skyrim pretty much vanilla (except for an extra hotkeys mod, might get some new ones soon) up to 50 hours now and im loving it!!


So naa not crap in the slightest. =D


I think most people would think SOME aspect or another of skyrim is crap, but I seriously doubt more than a very small minority of people would consider the game as a whole crap as the thread title seems to imply.

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I think most people would think SOME aspect or another of skyrim is crap, but I seriously doubt more than a very small minority of people would consider the game as a whole crap as the thread title seems to imply.


Right. Compared to what has been released this last year, it's certainly one of the best. It has potential and here's hoping for the modding community.


The only thing about it I would call crap are the RPG elements. Sadly that's one of the most important aspects for me.

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The only thing about it I would call crap are the RPG elements. Sadly that's one of the most important aspects for me.

I'd also like to add the minmax and dumbing down. Really, I miss how the class system was in, say, daggerfall and Morrowind. Where you could min/max and powergame to reach new height, but not break the game. In Skyrim your only way to min/max is abusing crafting, which ends up 1-hitting everything. I loved restarting daggerfall, plan out everything perfectly and see what level I could hit and how many stat points I could aquire.


That said, the game itself is very good. The most broken parts can be fixed with mods. I have also yet to hit too many bugs, consider how bugged Morrowind and Oblivion were. I could also mention how bugged Daggerfall is, but half the charm of the game is the bugs.

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