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Shiny Hair + Skin + Clothes


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I started a new game in Enderal and installed some cosmetic mods with appropriate meshes + skeleton as well as the Rudy Enb for Enderal and made sure the recommended settings in Skyrimprefs.ini were set, but my character's hair, skin and clothes are exceedingly shiny:




I use Enderal Optimized Textures for everything else and none of their screenshots show up like this;

Also, the character's shiny face only shows up when I change her complexion from 1 to 0 again in showracemenu.

I never have this problem in Skyrim.

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I have icreased "SpecularAmountMultiplier" to 9 in these inis: !_Enderal_RainLight.ini, !_Enderal_RainLightFogged.ini, !_RainStorm_heavy_E.ini and !_RainyWeather_E.ini. to fake the "Wet Look" during the rain. Correct it to your liking in the Weather window - ENB GUI, the Enviroment section. But for me it looks like a problem with the textures, too strong specular map.

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