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Gamepad with Mouse & Keyboard?


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I love my xbox controller to bits, but it simply won't do with inventory management and lockpicking (I am using SkyUI).

Does anyone know of a mod that can enable instant switching, or better yet simultaneous input with gamepad AND mouse & keyboard?


I have tried "Use both Xbox 360 controller AND Keyboard SIMULTANEOUSLY" (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/30913/?)

but it still doesn't give me a mouse cursor to work with in the inventory screen, read somewhere that this to due to an engine problem with the original Skyrim.


With Skyrim SE being built with an updated engine, wondering if anyone has found a way to to enable this properly.

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As far as I am aware, nothing has ever been done to make that work correctly. It's probably an engine limitation or something (even if it is "updated" it is still based on a very outdated framework). It's a shame too, because being able to switch between the two would be great. I like to use a gamepad myself sometimes, but I do miss the keyboard when using mods that require a lot of hotkeys and stuff.

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