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Nevada Skies and Requiem


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I'm looking for anyone who can help me figure out something that is very puzzling. The goal I'm aiming for is to have Nevada Skies weather patterns and systems affecting the Capital Wasteland regions in Requiem for the Capital Wasteland.


I'm not a veteran modder, or even what I would call a novice. .I guess you could see me as something of a sawbones, I know enough to chop it up and sew it back together, but I don't really know how any of it works. Scripts and all these numbers and settings are gibberish to me, for the most part.


And before I get a post blowing this off, saying 'Project Reality is better anyway, pff" I have been using Project Reality, just to avoid the hideous default weather, and its too gloomy and gray and overcast ALL the time. I much prefer Nevada Skies. Besides, Nevada Skies has controls in it that allow you to make rain and sandstorms extremely infrequent, WITHOUT having to cut them out entirely. By contrast, the only way I seem to ever get pleasant weather in Project Reality is to set it to "Always" be pleasant; don't want that either.


Anyway, I would like to know what, exactly, controls the weather in the game. Logically, weathers contain individual patterns or systems, which are arranged together in a climate, and each worldspace has a climate, which then dictates what the weather looks like there. I've picked apart Nevada Skies and found evidence to reflect this, and remember in the old versions of NSkies, there were custom climates, although now the weather systems have been arranged into the default NV weather systems.


I've made patches, that edit the climate data for the FO3 region, but that doesn't seem to work at all. I change the climate for every outdoor region of the Capital Wasteland to use the New Vegas/Nevada Skies climates, but when I start up the game, it seems to ignore its own programming and revert back to using the FO3 default ugly weather.


If it isn't "Weather" and "Climate" settings in worldspaces that control the weather, what does? Can someone please enlighten me? I'm more than willing to make the patches and plugins myself, if only I knew what exactly needs to be changed.

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  • 3 years later...

I am reviving this topic as I'm currently having this issue and can't find anything else on it anywhere. The only other thread I could find was this:




Based on the screenshots provided there, I think it looks like it was perfectly fine. However, that modder has not been around for a long time, and the mod he was working on was never uploaded. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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I had a feeling that TTW would be brought up. The only problem is that I don't want to have to redo my entire installation just for one mod. Everything else works just fine right now, and I don't want to have to worry about new compatibility patches and whatnot. Thank you for your advice though.


Is there any other way?

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Ok, so I've been working for a while on this on my own since first posting and since I haven't had any other suggestions, and I've run out of ideas. First, I tried setting the default capital wasteland climate to the Fallout New Vegas climate to see if that would work. It didn't. Within several minutes, the weather clears back to the plain original Fallout 3 weather.

Next, I tried making an exact copy of the FNV climate by editing the default FO3 climate. Same results as the previous attempt. I don't know what else to do now and this is really starting to bug me, so if anyone has any experience with weather and climate mods I would REALLY like to hear any ideas or suggestions you might have. Thanks in advance.



UPDATE: I tried setting the NV Wasteland world as the parent world and copying the climate that way, but no luck either.

Edited by GrayWolf04
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  • 10 months later...

I don't know if you're still working on this, it's been almost two years now since your posts, but I would agree with the other poster that it would be better to switch to Tale of Two Wastelands.


It may be annoying to do a full fresh installation for one mod, but considering the scale and scope of the mod, it's an inevitability anyway. I find periodically doing fresh installations is healthy for the game anyway, as it helps to trim the fa and clear out the clutter, the stuff you thought was neat but ended up not using, or stuff that was installed for a bit, then taken out and left residue behind or whatnot. I've been meaning to do a clearing house rebuild of both New Vegas and Skyrim for a while now, but got sidetracked by other games and now Fallout 4.


On a side note, I can't remember if I'm still using requiem, or if I did switch to TTW, but I didn't eventually get weather working; unfortunately I can't relate to yo9u how I did it as it was years ago and I can't remember, and I do know some areas are a bit wonky. Inner city DC areas are virtually pitch black, whereas capital wasteland nights tend to be brighter, and the area immediately around the citadel always switches to FO3 default green skies, but the citadel courtyard itself is the same inner city pitch black..


I dunno. Wish you the best of luck though.

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