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Porting Mods Without Permission ?


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Since the arrival of sse, ( of which I cant wait till the garb settles down) I;m seeing quite a few people porting mods over because they have know how or knowledge to do so , and makes me quite angry, to me mods being ported Without the mod authors permission :down: which to me is just wrong !!

Its like taking something that doesn't belong to you but have been allowed to use , and have made or changed it to suit them , and show other people how to !! ..

I know quite a few mod authors have diligently made the their mods sse viable for people and for that I thank for that,they didnt have to but they did anyway , I dont use console my self just skyrim on pc ! ..

I would like to know what is the deal is porting another mod authors mod without permission , I know some mod authors aren't around anymore , but still I think a pm or email if possible to ASK their permission would be nice :confused: :mellow:

Edited by jaderiver
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@dragon, Its not about uploading and yes its for their use on console mostly I think, it bothers me because the mod authors that are still around are not being asked and when the porters have issues they post on the mod page and ask why or how to fix >< , and I'm sure the mod authors themselves have said they will look into or see about making an sse viable version, and let ppl know , but ppl and being to impatient and doing it themselves , and if issues arise want to know why , Just I think if the mod author is asked first is nice, and being mindful of the mod author ,..

Edited by jaderiver
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@dragon, Its not about uploading and yes its for their use on console mostly I think, it bothers me because the mod authors that are still around are not being asked and when the porters have issues they post on the mod page and ask why or how to fix >< , and I'm sure the mod authors themselves have said they will look into or see about making an sse viable version, and let ppl know , but ppl and being to impatient and doing it themselves , and if issues arise want to know why , Just I think if the mod author is asked first is nice, and being mindful of the mod author ,..

well you can't port to console without atleast uploading to bethnet so far a I know. Also anyone who assumes that a mod author has to fix their poor porting job is an idiot. If you don't understand the basics of how the mod functions, then leave it for the modder to do themselves.

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