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Ideas for Modders


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As much as any of you, I've played and enjoyed Skyrim. And thought it could be done better. Since I don't have the skills to be a modder, I've decided to help in some way, instead of just sitting around waiting. So I made this topic to be kind of a content "aggregator": here, modders will find the most diverse and interesting ideas for new mods, along with some comments. The ideas will be categorized as much as possible, in order to keep the topic organized. It will also be frequently updated with new ideas that forum users post - both in this and other topics.


Let me say that only a few of these ideas are mine originally. Most of them (over 90%, for sure) are other people's ideas that I scavenged in some forums, including this one.

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Clothing/Armor/Weapons Mods:


1 - Light armor version of some armors (Ancient Nord, Wolf, maybe even Daedric)


2 - Make Daedric and Dragon Armor part of a long quest chain. Maybe a 6-part quest where you get each piece of armor (boots, gauntlets, shield, helmet, body, one

weapon). After the quest, the armor becomes craftable.


3 - Dragonbone weapons (not re-skins, but unique weapons)


Related to 2 and 3, see this: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/497140-expanded-dragons-bigger-battles/ (WARNING: Spoilers)


4 - Beautiful mage robes that fit in with the region and lore and is not digiporn.


5 - Lower AND Upper body armor (not sure if doable)


6 - Add Spears with unique animations and finishing moves.




General Gameplay Changes:


1 - Finishing moves for Ranged Attacks (Magic/Archery)


2 - VATS-like system for ranged attacks: you hit an enemy's weapon hand with an arrow, he can't use it for a while; you hit the knee, he slows down; hit the legs with

an ice spell, he can't move and so on


PS: I know VATS is a Pip-boy function, so it clearly wouldn't be called VATS

PS2: maybe this function could be the unlockable perk when you get to 100 archery/destruction


3 - Essential Followers/Horses


4 - Faster Horses (making horses WORTH riding)


5 - Able to change your character's looks (hair, beard, bead/hair color, war paint) without using console commands - maybe have a mirror in your house where you can

do that


6 - wearing faction armor of say... the black brotherhood or the thieves guild in a town should get you into trouble... if you wear either it stands to reason you either

plan to steal or murder. (too much realism, might not be a good idea. Besides, I doubt everyone in SKyrim knows what Dark Brotherhood/Thieves Guild armor actually look

like, especially since both are struggling to regain their strength).


7 - Repercussions for your actions. Rob from a merchant, he starts going bankrupt and has less and less to sell you. Steal from a garrisons armory and food reserves

and the troops become weakened etc (just an example, not sure this exact one is a good idea)


8 - Guilds be at least the length of Morrowinds and the advancement through the ranks to slowly make a difference in the game world


9 - Speaking of which, bring back the RANKS we had in past TES games. Also, don't make it so you can be the leader 1 week after you join a guild. Make it so you have

to meet certain level/skills/reputation-within-the-guild requirements before you can trigger the last missions. PS: interesting comments on that:


- "Inability to join factions if you are inept at the factions' main attributes. Inability to join a faction if you are known to be in a rival faction. And if those

factions are enemies, I want at the least, angry words to be said, but preferably leading to conflict. Like if your guild is the Thieves guild, I want people

coming after me from, say, the Companions. Also, stop making me the freaking leader of the faction I join after being in it for a week's game time.

Hell, what if I don't even want to be the leader?!"


- "Guilds. Why can a berserker with no emphasis on magic at all become an Archmage of a College? This should not be possible. Stop being afraid of forcing us to make

multiple characters. They did it right with the Stormcloaks vs. Imperials. For instance, why not make the requirement to get into the College be having 200 Magicka?

This wouldn't be hard to achieve at all for mages, but it would be a waste of stats for a berserker. It is still is low enough where if you wanted to make a

jack-of-all-trades you could still do it, but it would force characters with no magical ability to either skip it or come back on a different character.

Multiple play throughs is not a bad thing."


10 - Being able to be a real bard after doing Bard's College questline. Comment:


- "The ability for my character to be a true Bard and actually be able to PLAY the flutes and lutes and drums that are all over the game world. Oh and there are

so many songs in the lore books. I think it would be super cool if there was a mod that added the words to an ingame songbook (maybe tied to an inventory item)"


11 - Having a Shout Skill Tree with unique perks and all, enabling Shout builds


12 - More balanced Werewolf/Vampires (in a way that werewolves wouldn't be completely useless mid-to-late game, and vampires wouldn't be ALWAYS useless)


13 - Better NPCs. Comments on that:


- "NPCs that talk to you WHEN YOU TALK TO THEM !! Tired of just walking aroud and everyone talks to me even though I said absolutely nothing to them"


- "Smart and capable NPC AI - For example,why don't thieves ever pick your pockets? Why don't townspeople recognize your efforts in doing things of great importance?"


- "Quests just having an impact on the game world. The civil war is over but nothing has changed really. I just saved the world but nothing happens to signify that"


- For more on that, see this: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/495105-pre-ck-list-of-immersion-breakers/


14 - Being able to disguise yourself as a member of a faction, provided you have the correct disguise. Comment:


- "Something that kinda upset me was that even if you could wear any outfit, it wouldn't "disguise" you as a particular class.

I wanted to sneak in the Thalmor Embassy while wearing their robe, but it wouldn't work... Bring back disguises like in Fallout!


15 - Much Improved Stealth. Comments:


- "Better AI, ESPECIALLY for stealth. Make me want to drag bodies in the shadows. Make me find a good hiding place instead of crouching behind a corner after shooting

someone in the face with an arrow. Make that person constantly restless instead of thinking it was his imagination when there is an ARROW IN HIS EYE."


- "The AI is so stupid I don't know whether to laugh or facepalm many times. You have an arrow through your head,

how can they just say "Must be my imagination" especially if that's a second arrow in your head already. They should also actually react to dead bodies.

Yeah, I just killed your friend and you're doing absolutely nothing about it".


- "Being able to climb walls and enter houses through windows and such... that would be fantastic. So much potential.


16 - Alteration School allows you to shapeshift (wolves, Spiders, Bears etc.)


17 - More craftable stuff (see this: http://www.skyrimnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=799)


18 - Make Magic better balanced.


19 - Complete Darnkess in Dungeons (http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/494963-totalcomplete-darkness-in-dungeons/)


20 - Not everyone knows what you're doing. Comment:


- "It would be nice if a deed I just did and I fast travel to a town, is not known by everyone I speak with. Everybody knows every detail about me and my actions.

It would be a lot better if that were different. Maybe the Stormcloak have notices that I killed a Thalmor and eventually tell Ulfric, but the Imperials have

something else that they found interesting about me and know that detail, while disregarding the, to them, non-important information about me. The Dark Brotherhood

knows I killed a man, while nobody else has noticed. etc. Interest driven knowledge of actions and un-detailed rumors would be very well received."





Quests and Dungeon-related:


1 - MUCH improved dungeons. Some comments I found on that:


- "Dungeons/caves/ruins need to have some diversity and intrigue to them - both in design and enemies contained within"


- "I'd like at the bottom of some very few dungeons, deep in the middle of a forest or on some remote peak for their to be some huge challenge that you have to

prepare for like FCOM Umbra strenght. The Dragon Priests were close to this but I just wish there was challenging task in the middle of no where"


- "Actually rewards for exploring. Make some caves absolutely pitch black, mazes, REAL puzzles, traps, etc. At the end, there should actually be a real reward for

clearing the cave. Every cave and dungeon in Skyrim are very similar"


- "Rare items in some dungeons, not just lame randomized loot that is worthless after 10 hours of gameplay. Make those items WORTHWHILE"


- "Make some of the dungeons/caves/forts non-respwaning(including the chests/wardrobes/cupboards/etc in them). That way, you can live anywhere you want instead of

having to buy a goddamn house. Would be kinda like Morrowind."


- "There should be more than just the usual combinations of dungeons. There's the Falmer/Chaurus dungeons, the Dwemer dungeons, the animals (trolls, bears, spiders)

dungeons, the bandits caverns/forts and the draugr tombs. That's all. REALLY should add more diversity to that".


2 - Create a Vampires Questline


3 - Longer, more interesting/unique quest chains, with less focus on radiant/random quests.


For some NEAT ideas, check:


4 - Improved Blades Questline (example: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/470021-improving-the-blades/ - WARNING: SPOILERS),


5 - Refugees quest: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/483358-khajiitargonian-refugee-underground/page__p__3953675__fromsearch__1#entry3953675


6 - The Fallen Greybeards : http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/467279-dragonborn-the-fallen-greybeards/


7 - Exapanded Dragons (already mentioned above: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/497140-expanded-dragons-bigger-battles/ - WARNING: SPOILERS)


8 - Improved Immersion: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/494825-story-specialist-seeks-modder-for-human-interraction-overhaul/








1 - Fus Ro Dah sound the same as in the trailer


2 - Some cool underwater stuff sucha as caves, tombs, rare items (make underwater exploration worthwhile)


3 - if a shopkeeper died (let's say, in a dragon attack), instead of his home being forever empty, a new NPC would come and buy it and open their own shop.


4 - A weekly activity, like the arena in Oblivion.


5 - After the Dark Brotherhood moved to the Dawnstar Sanctuary, they said that their numbers would grow again.

But it hasnt?

Theres only the 'Dragonborn, Babetta, Nazir and the initiate. Will there be more?

If not I have a suggestion for a mod of populating the Dark Brotherhood and making the Sanctuary a better looking place


6 - More unique race elements. Actually different reactions to your race, many more dialogue options if you're talking to someone with same race, stuff like that.


7 - Being able to rebuild Helgen after finishing MQ.


8 - Different kinds of dragons (two-headed dragons, non-flying dragons etc.)


9 - "REALISTIC WEAPON AND ARMOUR WEIGHTS!!! The heaviest two-handed long sword weighs no more than 6 pounds. Full steel plate, head to toe weighs 60 pounds."



For TEH LULZ !!:


1 - "I want to transform into a half dragon using something like Beast Form. Dragon morph to fly around would be sickkkkkk"

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Dont know if it can be called mod or it just a tweak, but here's my idea.


General Gameplay


  1. Different movement speed between ready & sheathe stances, similar logic like run & walk or sneaking
  2. Change the visual effect of mage armor (Oakflesh, Stoneskin, etc) to more physical, not just a shiny color on clothes or armor

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