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Beast Companion


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i've seen a screenshot that showed an archer with a snow tiger at her side.

now i was wondering, there is the chance to make a speech perk/shout that can bind an animal to you forever (like a pet dog) that does actually die, but you can tame another one after that.

in detail:


you shout/talk your way to the beast and he becomes a companion;

once in a while he will ask you for food or he will attack you (you will take predators with you of course, so you will always need meat in your inventory);

bigger the food, more the time will pass before he will ask again;

if in form of a perk (on the speech skill i think) it will have something to power him up if possible;

if you decide to bind another animal, the old one will run away (disappearing once out of sight, just for scene) or attack you;

binding limits should be 2 on wolves (i love being in a pack), 1 on tigers and bears (in master difficulty they rule), trolls cannot be tamed (not only 'cause i hate them <.<);

of course the level of the beast counts on the biding (speech perk requires low level, but it requires a speech level to tame certain animals) and gives a % chance to tame it (retry after a little cooldown, that it means that meanwhile the beast can chow your ... well i leave that to you immagination)


i don't know if anyone made this type of mod already, but the one i suggested should work more that a natural ability (speech) or a dragon power (totally different from the shout that already exist).


yeah, i played too much mmorpgs, i can't do nothing about it, i love having big predators as pets, deal with it.

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This is whats always bothered me about archery is that there is no pet. I'd go conjuration but it means putting points in magicka and a whole other tree. I think the first perk in archery should give an ability to tame animals. and maybe a new branch on the archery tree just to improve the pets. Most of your ideas won't work until the CK comes out though
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This is whats always bothered me about archery is that there is no pet. I'd go conjuration but it means putting points in magicka and a whole other tree. I think the first perk in archery should give an ability to tame animals. and maybe a new branch on the archery tree just to improve the pets. Most of your ideas won't work until the CK comes out though


No, it doesn't work like that.

Is like saying "lets make this an moorpg".


In all those games you have archers that can tame animals, but animals aren't a gift of archers, but for who can tame them, thats why i got the idea to use the Speech skill.

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I think Familiars are on there way and they will be a great addition, the idea of feeding will give some much needed use to all that stored meat...


The only thing i would argue is the use f a "Shout" to tame, is not like only Dragonborns or Voice users should be able to tame Beast. I think the combination of a Perk Skill with some kind of Item maybe a trap or a Flute (hehe) would be more suited for taming.


Awesome Idea

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Well, there are some rings wich add pet to you.

Just look in companion creatures at nexus.

the point is making a real skill to tame them, to make you "look" for the beast you need (every level up the beasts will be tougher and will need more skill to be tamed and your actual beast remain the same old level when you tamed it, forcing you to change it often) not to make a "cheat" like ability.

not everyone is in magic equipment or magic at all 'cause some of us want to feel the might on doing things on a "natural" way.


The point on this is making another way of fighting in skyrim, forcing you to decide wich skills you want to master, instead of pointing at the old-style oriented classes.

instead of being a pure warrior (1h or 2h or both, even with bows or magics)

instead of being a sneaky character (be knives or bows)

instead of being a pure mage or an hybrid one (thing that often happens)


you can choose to be a tamer, wich will work in sinergy with speech, that will force you to sacrifice other skills, making you more oriented and giving you the so waited option to avoid rising magics at all.

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