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Enemy leveling


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Hi all just a quick question,


I want to play as long as possible with my current character without having a too easy time.


So, when do enemies start scaling? Since soft level cap in vanilla is 50 or something, I fear that's the point... can you confirm that, and maybe point me to modding possibilities to have a rewarding late game between levels 50 and 81 (achievable by leveling mods)?


I would be very thankful, I'm considering right now to drastically reduce my skill leveling just because of that.

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Guest MajinCry

If you get the Skyrim Respawner mod, and get it for like, every day/2 days, set the game to master and download that Harder Dragons mod, you'll find that the game will pretty much always be difficult.


The way levelling works, is that when you enter a cell, the enemies level corresponding to yourself. They will then level-up every cell refresh (30 in-game days), making them harder if you happen to encounter them again.


Methinks that at the softcap and after, the enemies will keep on levelling with you. Not sure though.

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Atm their is not rewarding end game (50-81) all of the enemies do not grow in power. Past lvl 50 you would expect to see bandits in armor higher than steel but no the only thing that improve is their hp. Really their is not point to exploring after you realize that the best gear comes from smithing. My first play through I just explored the entire map until I got bored, 400k gold and nothing to buy just silly.
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I'm really not concerned about loot. I can keep the game rewarding by slowly leveling up the smithing skill and using weapon mods. My concern is that there won't be any hard enemies.


So please, does anyone know of mods which make enemies level or which allow us to change variables like enemy health, damage, armor etc? I already know of PISE and deadly dragons, but those don't fix late game balance.

Edited by domanz
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Ok if anyone wondered, there seems to be no mod which directly affects enemy scaling after max level. There is however PISE, which generelly enhances gameplay, there is XSO, which among other lets you level as fast as you want, and there is a difficulty mod by the same author of PISE, which makes master difficulty from 2x up to 16 times harder. For the real badasses out there ^^
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About the mod that make the game 16 time harder ... If you remember oblivion in max difficulty it's the same thing ... But you are not as strong as in oblivion ... Alchemy is the only way to survive with this mod and dragon ( especially if you use the deadly dragon mod ) are Almost impossible to kill ( you need 85 Resist magicka cap and 567 armor and all level upgrade in life for survive more than 1 hit ) And you need the best stuff possible with the Alchemy/enchant/Smithing combo for do a bit of dmg . Conjuration and follower are necessary .


You can make the game 32 time harder , at this point A skeever is a fearsome ennemy , Illusion and sneaking are your friend Because you will probably get 1 shoted , Conjuration and follower are the only way to do true dmg . The technique is to play like in Oblivion max difficulty without the vulnerability stuff ... basically that mean watching your minions while being invisible .


Actually you can survive without exploiting using x4 difficulty , higher is suicide .

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