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Removing some part of an outfit using Fo4edit Keywords


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Hey! Quick question:


Let's say I would like to remove the hood from the "Hooded Rags" Outfit to be able to put helmet on and/or just for it to be invisible at least, would it be possible to remove specified keywords in Fo4Edit (the one for the mouth, face, hair, etc.) in order to get the hood to be non-existent and thus been able to have a hat or helmet on?



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Change what body slots the outfit uses. I did this for a version of the Nuka-Girl armor that didn't have the helmet.


so remove the biped for,





hair long


(I'm not sure I have the exact names and there may be more but it's fairly clear once you start messing with it.)

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Thank you so much Chuck! I thought it was something like that but I wanted to be sure! Can I beg to your knowledge once more for another question about the subject:


Let's say I would like to make that ARMA (the helmet) an ARMO so I could put it on and off just like every other helmet in the game, how would one be able to do that?


Really appreciated!

Edited by Kasabian7
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I thought about trying this with my Nuka-Girl armor but didn't. I think you could duplicate the armor and then revers what you have biped so add back the head stuff and then remove the body pars. You may need to change the world model or it may look odd when dropped.


I think this would work but like I said I didn't end up trying it.

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Well I can answer you question with my experiments:


After digging through the data and doing what you said, I managed to get the armor and helmet separatly and all the biped slot correctly divided (I think), however when I have wear both at the same time, the body (minus the hands) is invisible. So close haha!


I'll keep you posted if it work, if you got any advice don't hesitate!

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I could find the addonindex but now that I saw it in the ck I see where it is in xedit. Everything works after I deleted the line from the ARMO!! There is only a little neck problem (when the helmet if off, some of the skin down the neck is weird looking like it would be missing a slot but I tried puting the "neck" on the armor to see if it worked but it unfortunatly didn't) anyway, much obliged friend! :)


Edit: I think the problem is the meshe I'm trying to modify. I guess the modder didn't wanna do all the details of the neck armor since the mask is supose to cover it in the integral body armor. Shame I don't know how to do such modification myself. :/

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